Masonic Baptism of Children by Albert Pike FM ANCIENT ROOTS!

WARNING  - LIES  / Brainwashing force which has gone unchallenged for several generations.

"Just so you know freemasonry has always been condemned by the church" @3.00min in video link below - may not last.. (1970?)

PRINCE "There is another person inside of me" - The Fatima movement documentary

These two videos are an attempt to use Jewish Freemasonry's words against themselves. These two clips contain numerous slips of the tongue that let the secret of Freemasonry out in 2009/2010. The documentary was never completed. Second video deleted!


Third Secret of Fatima

1917 Miracle of Fatima

First Secret of Fatima & World War I

Second Secret of Fatima & World War II

Third Secret of Fatima & World War III

The Impostor Sister Lucy Photographic Evidence of the Vatican's actress

Trinitarian Theophany
Miracle of 1929
The Vision of Fatima

God Removed Rome's
Church Authority in 1944

God's Warning about
the Errors of Russia & Spread of Jewish


Convert to Catholicism

The Seat of
Pope St. Peter is vacant

The Seven Sacraments
how they were changed

The Original Mass
how it was changed

The Original Rosary
how it was changed

How the 150 Rosary
Destroyed Mecca on
September 11, 2015

Keys to Heaven's Doors
and to the Gates of Hell

Evidence of Hell


Recognizing Freemasonry
in Your Church

The Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse:

The Lord

The Bible's Jesus

The 'Holy' Spirit

The Jewish 'Messiah'

Jewish Freemasons:
Sons of the Devil

What is the Mark on
the Right Hand?
The Masonic Handshake

What is the Mark on
the Forehead?
The Masonic Baptism

Bohemian Grove

False Opposition to
the New World Order

The N.W.O. Will Begin When All Believe in the Masonic Lord


FREE Downloads!

The Bible Code:
Jewish Paganism
lost in translation

The Mystery of the
Seven Candlesticks

Prayers to the Devil
Found in the Bible

Catholic Dogma:
Destroy The Bible

The "Missing" Esdras Apocalypse: The Real End of the Bible

Douai-Rheims - 1582

The Latin Vulgate

Haydock Douay
Rheims Bible - 1883

Humanum Genus
Encyclical Against Freemasonry - 1884

Morals and Dogma

Communist Manifesto

Satanic Jewish Talmud:
all secrets exposed

King James Bible

AA-1025: Memoirs of a
Church Infiltrator

Alta Vendita:
Freemsonry's Plot to take over the Church

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion


Church vs State

Jewish Freemasonry &
the Federal Reserve:
buying souls with money printed out of thin air

Jewish pro-PAGAN-da
in their Media

Unraveling the Masonic
Paradigm: The Cold War and Buildup to WWIII

Catholics are Free from the Jews' Rule of Law under the 1st Amendment



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