#Reptilian World Order: Upon Us Now?

With Mass Mind Control ability in Humanities Hands And Secret Agreements feeding the Underworld.....

Targeted Individuals ARE the Warning And that is Happening NOW!

#TI - To ignore TI's is Madness!

To ignore the Reptilian World Order is fatal. #RWO!

Have you heard of the Reptile Elite?

10. Origins

So just to sum it up, because it’s a lot of very unusual information to take in: essentially, the lizard people altered our brains to limit their ability. They installed most, if not all, world leaders throughout history. Those leaders, in turn, contributed to all major historical events. Finally, for thousands of years they’ve been poisoning humans. And all of this was done to ensure that they control humankind. So right off the bat, the answer is yes, we’re taking a drive to crazy town right about now. Enjoy the ride!

9. The Reptilian Hierarchy

8. How to Spot One

7. Suspected Reptilian

6. Blood

Blood is very important to the Reptilians. For one thing, they apparently consume it. They also eat parts of human brains and apparently prefer children, because they aren’t as full of poison as adults. Besides just eating our blood, bloodlines are also an important feature in the Reptilian conspiracy. You can supposedly tell if someone is Reptilian by tracing their bloodlines. It’s believed that around 4800 BC the crossbreeds emerged from the mountains of Turkey, Iran, and Kurdistan and started the early civilizations of Sumer, Egypt, Babylon, and the Indus Valley.


5. The Bible

Finally, in the Book of Revelations, Satan is described as a serpent and a dragon, and he is cast down to Earth with his angels. Icke believes that this is a Draco and his Reptoids. Of course, this theory only works if you believe in the Bible. But what’s interesting is that the Bible isn’t the only ancient source where there are stories of reptiles interacting with humans.

4. Snake Imagery Throughout the World

3. Connection to the Greys?

If the Reptilian Elite, New World Order conspiracy theory wasn’t wild enough, the Reptilians may also possibly be connected to the alien race known as the Greys, because why not? According to a mysterious conspiracy writer named Jason Bishop III, the Greys are actually controlled by the Reptilians. In terms of hierarchy of control it goes winged Dracos, non-winged Reptoids, the Greys, and then us, the lowly humans, on the bottom.

There is even some speculation, based on eye witness accounts that there are actual crossbreeds of the Greys and Reptilians. They look just like the Greys, except they have reptile-like skin. Theorists believe that the Reptilians have enslaved the Greys or they have formed an intergalactic alliance working together to keep humans down.

2. The Reptilians and The Illuminati

One of the most well-known “secret” societies is the Illuminati and according to some theorists, they are controlled by the Dracos. This idea was put forward by a man named Stewart Swerdlow, who claims he was a survivor of the Montauk Project. In his book, Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation, he claims that there are 13 “Royal Families” of the Illuminati. The leader of the Illuminati is called the Pindar, which is shortened from Pinnacle of the Draco, and is a purebred Reptile.

According to Swerdlow, the Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, who has been the Pindar for centuries. The 12 other families, all of them incredibly powerful, influential, and rich, have different areas of expertise, and they control global finances, military technology and development, mind-control, religion, and the media. All of the 13 ruling families are full-blooded Reptilians, but the class of individuals who support the 13 families, called the Committee of 300, are not. In fact, some of them do not even have any Reptilian DNA, though most do. The Committee of 300 supports the 13 families by controlling the organizations like the NSA, the CIA, Interpol, and the Mafia, just to name a few.

1. Their Goal

The biggest question surrounding the Reptilian conspiracy theory is: why would they do it? Again, there is much debate to this. One belief is that they need our gold to help stabilize the atmosphere on their own planet. Another theory is that they just have a need for power and control and they enjoy living life as rulers. A third, incredibly metaphysical explanation involves the Reptilians living in the lower fourth dimension. Essentially, one of the main things that the Reptilians try to do is cause human suffering and to ensure there is constant conflict. The reason they want that is because the Reptilians actually consume negative energy like jealousy, fear, and anger as a source of food.

Of course, without much proof that these giant, shape-shifting, interdimensional, humanoid reptiles that have mastered intergalactic travel even exist, it’s hard to know what their true master plan is.