General William Westmoreland QUOTES

The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars.

4) “All future wars will be fought on the electronic battlefield.” 1969, General William Westmoreland, Commander of United States forces during the Vietnam War

5) “As early as the Vietnam War, the Military-Intelligence-Industrial Complex was using the internet and technology as a way of surveilling the population for the purpose of “dissident hunting”, what we now see as the ‘War On Domestic Terror,’ that they are now trying to foist this upon the public using Silicon Valley products as the means of doing that. This is a very long-standing agenda.”

524!🎯TI Names & Descriptions Hunting War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity THE WORLD IS AGAINST Target

It's the first war we've ever fought on the television screen and the first war that our country ever fought where the media had full reign.

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