

Explaining History - Blame Tesla....1ST DEW! And Following UFO'S! (He also sold Ufo design to Nazi's) leading to "alien deals"...Etc...

A new leaked Majestic-12 document was released on June 14  2017   which describes a variety of extraterrestrial related encounters with

humanity. This document includes claims that Nikola Tesla’s pioneering radio broadcasts into outer space in the late 1800’s

alerted distant extraterrestrials to humanity’s existence, which led to them traveling to our planet,

and later President Eisenhower established full diplomatic relations with these visiting extraterrestrials in 1954.

In 1899, the Yugoslavic  electrical scientist, Nikola Tesla, most noted for his introduction of
alternating current to electrical power transmission and a laboratory device named after him (the Tesla coil) embarked on a number of
researches that have made this the saucer century. Tesla had long proposed that it was possible to directly broadcast pure electrical
energies at a distance without loss of power and without wires. By 1899, and with … government and private scientific backing, Tesla had chosen a
site near Colorado Springs, Colorado to conduct a massive and never repeated experiment…. Tesla’s purpose to gather the Earth’s own magnetic
field and to use the Earth as a huge transmitter to send signals to outer space in an attempt to contact whoever might be living there.
Tesla had no idea that the specific type of power he had generated was coursing through space and caused great havoc many light years away.

Without realizing it, Tesla’s use of the Earth’s magnetic field to direct radio transmissions into space had created a disruptive energy weapon –
essentially the world’s first Directed Energy Weapon, but at a planetary scale! The effect of doing this was analogous to the development of
Warp Drive in the fictional Star Trek series, and humanity was now on the Galactic radar for the first time.

The briefing document describes what happened as a result of Tesla’s experiments: The extraterrestrial intelligence (EI’s) attempted to respond to his
transmissions in a form of binary code that they routinely use for long range communications (evidently these energies act instantly at a
distance and are not limited to the speed of light) and ask that he cease sending. Of course, Tesla had no way of understanding the message
he received back from space. Fortunately, the anger of local residents at the side-effects of his research forced him to shut down the Colorado
Springs experiments in the same year he began them. Significantly, the briefing document is acknowledging that communications were
instantaneous, and that the speed of light is not an absolute limit, at least for the kind of communications used by the aliens.

  #DEW Direct Energy Weapon

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