Nanites are THESE microscopic machines!

You can do a simple test to determine if you have them.
Swab a coat of vaseline on your upper arm and shoulder. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Then take a paper towel and wipe off the vaseline.

Check the paper for black dots - as in this picture. If you have them - please take a picture with a penny for reference.

Nanites are the microscopic machines designed by scientists at the secret military organization known as Project Rising Spirit.

They are what give Bloodshot his special abilities -- enhanced strength, agility, speed, and super healing, among other things.

Nanonites are a mechanical species, with the unusual ability to clone themselves. They have the ability to Terra-Form worlds.

Sorry - Shocking! But it is a rapidly changing World ~ !

OMG ? - Real or Not-? - Game & Movie Producers are leading the way of informing on certainly a lot of VERY real Technology! 

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