The Horrors of The Roman Inquisition | Secret Files of The Inquisition (Full Documentary) | Timeline

The Spanish Inquisition Documentary - The War on Ideas. Italy, 1522. The decadence of a Medici Pope in Rome outrages the devout priest in Germany named Martin Luther. In the face of the Protestant Reformation, a fanatical monk sets out to exterminate the heresy. On his path to power he will create the Roman Inquisition. And he will become the most hated Pope in history. Powerful leaders of the Catholic Church are arrested and imprisoned, accused of reading books banned by the Church. Free-thinking students are silenced. Darkness descends on the centers of learning and Renaissance. The Roman Inquisition leaves a legacy that lasts into the twentieth century.

Quill & Ink History  My video on the Roman Inquisition:
My video on the Spanish Inquisition:
Quill & Ink History Chapter 65: The Catholic Church • The worldwide Catholic Church is introduced. • How the plain and precious things of the Bible were taken out. AND now, I would that ye should understand that after the apostles of the Lord had been killed, and the Gentiles had set up many different churches among them; and many of them claiming to be the true church of Christ; yea, even after these things had been done, those that were the true saints of God were cast out of the churches of the rich, even by those men who were rich and powerful and who had set themselves up as leaders of the people who had the authority of God, which they believed that their leaders had received by the laying on of hands from the direct line of Priesthood which was given unto Peter, James, and John by the Lord. 2 And the true saints of God, who were His elect, were persecuted and slain by the hands of the Romans and by the consent of those leaders of the Christian faith who had made alliances with the Romans and the other governments of the earth. 5 But the churches began to become corrupt and follow not the gospel of Christ, but follow the counsels of men, who had set themselves up above the people as the mouthpieces of God, even those who were the bishops and evangelists, and the elders of the churches. 6 For these men thought that they were given special authority over the children of men to counsel with them and give unto them the revelations of God as they received them from Him. 7 And the people began to believe these things and look to the leaders of their churches as those who had been called of God to guide them in all things. 14 Nevertheless, the people began to listen more to the words of their leaders, who had been ordained to the Priesthood of God, but who had been denied the power thereof because of their wickedness. 15 And their wickedness was in their examples; for they taught the words of Christ, yet they sought for the things of the world and the honor and praise of men, thus offending the Spirit of God, who would give the power to act in the name of God unto them, if they were like unto Christ in all things. 16 And these leaders begin to excommunicate those from the church who came to them with a broken heart and a contrite spirit seeking for forgiveness from the Lord for that in which they had sinned against him. 17 And these leaders thought of themselves as righteous and full of the power of God to deny salvation to any of those who they chose to excommunicate from the church of God. 18 And now, do ye suppose that the Father condoneth this of those who act in His name? 22 But as the church corrupted itself, these leaders began to cast out all those who questioned their authority, or who committed a sin according to their own commandments, which were the commandments and precepts of men. 23 And it came to pass that because the church began to embrace the world and teach for commandments the doctrines of men, Satan began to reward the church and its leaders and give unto them the prosperity and power that he giveth unto all those who follow him. 24 And in not too many years, the church became rich and powerful. And when Satan saw that he now had complete control over the church, he left the governments of men that he had set up to control the hearts and desires of the children of men, and gave his power and attention to the church, which became great and powerful, even a world-wide church, which being interpreted is Catholic. 25 And after this church had overthrown the governments of men by the power of Satan, it began to persecute all those who did not belong to the church. And it sent its armies and its navies, which were under the control of the leaders of the church, into all the world to subdue the world and bring all under the subjection of the church of the devil, which this great world-wide church promulgated. 26 And it was some of the leaders of this church that ordered that all the scriptures that were read concerning the life and ministry of Christ should be brought before them, that they might determine that which they would canonize and give unto the world as the official doctrine of Christ. 27 And when they had chosen these things, they excluded many things that did not agree with their own doctrines and principles, believing that the records had been corrupted by those who first wrote them. 28 But these records were not corrupted, but were given in their purity by many of the apostles, who were eyewitnesses to the life and ministry of Christ and the words which he spoke. 29 But because these pure words of the apostles did not agree with the corrupted doctrine of this great church, these leaders deleted those things which did not agree with them, thus were the plain and precious parts of the gospel lost among men. 30 And they would have been lost forever had not the Lord foreseen these things and prepared this record that it might come forth to give once more unto the children of men the things that were taken out of that which he had suffered to be written concerning his gospel. 31 For the original documents that were written by the hands of the apostles were destroyed. And various translations of their words survived, and it was from these documents that survived that the leaders of the church took their official version of the New Testament of the Bible, which ye have before you. 32 And there was none who could stand against Satan and the power that he gave unto the church. For the leaders of all nations were chosen by Satan and became his followers. And great and powerful kings and queens, who were ordained and confirmed by the church and its leaders, ruled and reigned over the people perpetuating the works and will of Satan throughout the whole earth. 33 And these kings and queens would do nothing except first it be sanctioned by the leaders of the church, who the people accepted as the mouthpieces of God in all things.