Top 100 Conspiracy Theories of All Time
Darrin McBreen As more and more people suffer from severe and often deadly side effects,
skeptics begin to learn the truth the hard way. Thousands of Americans have found out the "conspiracy theorists" were right all along.
#100 Adolf Hitler Fakes Death 4TH REICH
#99 Mystery Man at Signing of Declaration of Independence
#98 Montauk Project - ALIEN MIND CONTROL
#97 Barack Obama Citizenship
#96 Iraq War / WMD
#95 Civilization on Mars
#94Birth Certificate Is A Traded Security
#93 Moses was Akhenaten
#92 Atmosphere on the Moon
#91 Count of St. Germain
#90 Majestic-12
#89 John Titor Time Traveler
#88 Nero Burns Rome
#87 Watergate Scandal
#86 Bermuda Triangle
#85 Cell Phones
#84 Cold War Was Staged Event
#83 Mafia
#82 Face on Mars
#81 Philadelphia Experiment
#80 United States Corporation
#79 Treaty of 1213
#78 America Discovered Before Columbus
#77 Nazis Backed By Vatican
#76 Francis Bacon Was Shakespeare
#75 Inside of Earth Is Hollow
#74 President Eisenhower Treaty With Aliens
#73 Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
#72 Democracy
#71 Asteroid Belt
#70 Banco Ambrosiano Collapse
#69 Manhattan Project
#68 Hitler Burns Down Reichstag
#67 Great Seal of United States
#66 Ancient Texts In Vatican Library
#65 Knights Templar
#64 Nibiru / Planet X
#63 Aryan Master Race
#62 Underground Tunnels and Bases
#61 Hollywood's Influence
#60 HAARP Weather Manipulation
#59 Jesus Never Existed
#58 Vatican Is Satanic
#57 Atlantis
#56 Jesus Married To Mary Magdeline
#55 Bigfoot
#54 Denver Airport
#53 Great Pyramid / Sphinx
#52 Puppet Dictators
#51 Skull & Bones
#50 American Civil War Started By Britain
#49 AIDS Created In Lab
#48 Peak Oil
#47 Feminism
#46 Income Tax Is Not A Law
#45 Knights of Malta
#44 Oklahoma City Bombing
#43 Project MKULTRA
#42 Russian Revolution Created By America and Britain
#41 Eugenics
#40 Abraham Lincoln Assassination
#39 Environmentalism
#38 Depopulation
#37 Bohemian Grove
#36 Jesuits Tied To Illuminati
#35 Crop Circles
#34 Pearl Harbor Was Allowed To Occur
#33 FEMA Camps
#32 CIA Drug Trafficking
#31 Chemtrails
#30 Operation Paperclip
#29 Princess Diana Murdered by British Royal Family
#28 Operation Northwoods
#27 Fluoride In The Water
#26 RFID
#25 Flu Shots / Vaccinations
#24 Man-Made Global Warming
#23 Big Pharma
#22 NASA
#21 Intelligence Agencies
#20 3 World Wars Planned Years In Advance
#19 Area 51
#18 Jewish World Domination / Zionism
#17 Moon Landing Was Faked
#16 Roswell UFO Crash
#15 Bilderberg Group
#14 Mainstream Media Propaganda
#13 Deliberate Dumbing Down of Education
#12 Freemasonry
#11 Alternative Energy / Tesla Suppression
#10 Shadow Government
#9 Organized Religion
#8 Reptilians Rule The World
#7 JFK Assassination
#6 Alien Abductions
#5 Federal Reserve Created For Economic Terrorism
#4 Illuminati Rule The World
#3 9/11 Was A False Flag
#2 Ancient Astronauts
#1 New World Order
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