SUGGESTED OBJECTIONS:The proposed antenna will be obtrusive, ugly & incongruous with the surrounding character, appearance, resulting in detriment to the visual amenities of the area, as well as a harmful impact to the outlook of residential properties nearby, impacting the quality of the local area.
This proposal DOES NOT meet the requirements of National & Local Policy: “Whilst (National Policy) supports the expansion of electronic communications networks, Paragraph 115 makes it clear that where new sites are required for telecommunications, 'equipment should be sympathetically designed & camouflaged where appropriate'. This, clearly, is not the case with this proposal.
Policy CS74 of the Core Strategy and H14 and BE14 (specific to telecoms) of the Council's UDP require developments to be of:

1) an appropriate design and scale (20m high is not appropriate),

2) to not harm the character and appearance of the area,

3) be of a scale and character consistent with the residential character of the area,

4) to minimise their visual impact


The 20m mast would tower above all existing vertical structures on the street and would be substantially taller than the trees. As such, it would stand out clearly and starkly against the skyline, both when viewed from the road and from the public open space.
The width and bulk of the mast would also ensure that it would NOT appear as a 'slimline' feature and would create CLUTTER & OBSTRUCT the narrow pathway.
Nor would it be characteristic of any of the existing 'vertical' features on or near to the site. Due to this, it would certainly not be seen as a complementary feature in the street scene. Rather it would be a DOMINANT AND OBTRUSIVE feature.
GPDO - The proposed development would not comply with Condition A.3(4)(a) of Schedule 2 Part 16 of the General Permitted Development Order as the proposed development, by reason of its siting and appearance be an unsightly, bulky and incongruous addition to the character of the local area.
Para 20 on Siting and Design states that '...ensuring the impact of new network development is kept to a minimum'. This has clearly not been done in this application. It will dominate all of the residences around.
Para 22 states ' ..operators should make efforts to reduce visual impacts where possible.' As in my comments above, I do not believe the application complies with this.

Para 28 states 'Protecting visual amenity - a comprehensive assessment of the area should be done to ensure that the design solution appreciates the context of its location by fitting with both the site and the wider context setting. Proposals should take into account protected sightlines, landmarks and vistas.'

Para 32 states 'Siting on highways and footways - obstructions on footways should be MINIMISED. New, upgraded or replacement sites should be sited so that they do NOT have an adverse impact upon available footway width to maintain unrestricted pedestrian access. This is particularly important for disabled people....' The application DOES NOT comply with this regulation.

Para 33 states 'Highway safety - operators must give due consideration to ensure that new, upgraded or replacement sites to not adversely impact on highway safety or road junctions, They should comply with visibility and line of site requirements.' As in my comments above, I do not believe the application complies with this.

Para 38 under Planning and visual considerations states 'Mast positioning - all new masts should be sited, as far as is practicable, so as to minimise their impact on their setting, including the landscape and other buildings.'. The application does not comply with this.

5G uses much higher frequency radio waves than in the past & it makes use of UNTESTED technology to enable this higher data transmission capacity, points out Professor Frank.

Carbon footprint: Each 5G mast requires approximately 3 x more power than a 4G mast (as much as 73 typical homes).

Local authorities are expected to safeguard the quality of the local environment and some have a statutory duty to help conserve biodiversity and species protection as part of the planning process.

With 5G’s greatly increased mobile traffic, electricity usage from telecommunications could create up to 23% of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030; power demand would be the equivalent of 36 nuclear reactors or 7800 massive offshore wind farms worldwide - -

EXCLUSION ZONE: "NO ENTRY" zones are missing from the plan. Every mast has an area around the antenna which should be marked with NO ENTRY signs due to the effects from the radiation (at least 500m).