Akashic Records = SCALAR WAVES! (?)

Scalar Waves Simply explained in 3/5 mins

Sure to impress & AMAZE!

Proof? Your Brian Could interface with information beyond your belief!

=? Akashic Records = The Unlimited Knowledge of the Universe!!! ? 




Akashic Records = The Unlimited Knowledge of the Universe


We can't see the WiFi internet, yet we know it's everywhere around us.
Proof? Well , we are limited by modern day understandings
of what qualifies as proof,
anything that cannot be perceived by physical senses
or something that is foremost impossible to perceive.
It's hard to validate its existence.
The truth is, there really is no way to prove
in the material way that we currently define proof
the existence of the Akashic Records
because it cannot be seen or touched or heard
or otherwise measured.


Teal explains that the Akashic records is the human way of understanding that every thought that has ever been thought, exists. Therefore, one aspect of collective consciousness is a vibrational "record" of every soul and its journey throughout all universes that ever have been before now and all future potentials originating from now. She describes the Akasha as being like a library, where the levels (or floors) of that library in the universe are dimensions. The information in each dimension corresponds to the frequency of that specific dimension. Teal discusses how to access information from the Akashic Records and discusses the different dimensional levels.