Bob Oechsler NASA Specialist UFO Craft/bodies/genetic engineering/gravity engines/abductions/treatie

"they communicate telepathically uh which is an interesting study in itself uh telepathic communication is uh is quite intriguing because we've been able to learn that you could have five different individuals in a room all speaking different tongues and a telepathic communication could be transmitted to all five simultaneously and the translation effect takes place within the individual so uh ironically enough you don't have to know the language uh to conduct telepathic communication with"

Transcript how long were you with NASA I was with NASA in the mid 70s uh working on

several projects including the Apollo so's test project I worked on the docking collar that mated the two craft I also worked on the international
ultraviolet Explorer several deep space projects and some Department of Defense projects and in the end uh you've left and you've um sort of come out of the
UFO closet if you like well I don't know if call it UFO closet actually but is it not rather embarrassing for your ex- colleagues in the light of what you've
said about alien retrieved craft and so forth that You' you've spilled a few beans that were I to believe your story they would have wanted to keep in the
can well that's partially true but what from what I got you see I ended up getting guidance uh I was called in because of my expertise in uh remotely
operated Airborne robotic systems uh to evaluate some uh activities that had been recorded on video films uh there was some rather extraordinary physics uh
in fact it appeared as though the objects were violating the laws of physics as we know them hang on NASA called you in to analyze his video film
no I wasn't called in by NASA I was called in by an agency in Washington DC uh a couple of different agencies in fact that had been addressed uh one was
the department of the Navy had you left NASA by this point yes I have right and I was asked to utilize the facilities of the NASA facility at gdd space flight
center to review some of the uh video films that had been recorded recently by whom uh by actually the first one was recorded by a custom builder who
happened to see an object flying around behind the high school behind his home in this little town of 5,000 people down  in the uh Northwest panhandle of Florida
and I uh had the opportunity to spend a good bit of time five months in fact doing an analysis uh at the uh Gard space flight center in Green Belt
Maryland courtesy of NASA uh yes they gave me uh the operational facilities there to use for the analysis proc so
they're not greatly embarrassed by the
fact that you're looking into alien life
forms and so forth well no well they
didn't really know what it was in fact
they probably were hoping that I was
going to be able to discover that this
was some kind of a hoax that you know
somebody had made a radio control model
or something like that but that's not
what you discovered No in fact a an
optical physicist with the Navy was the
one that really initiated the interest
in getting an analysis done because he
was observing some things that he
couldn't quite explain so I uh got
involved in the project and
extraordinarily enough we were able to
determine that there was absolutely no
possible way this could have been a
model flying around this thing was
exhibiting capabilities of extraordinary
Direction reversals at slow speed but
with a no deceleration or acceleration
how did NASA react to your findings your
investigation uh they didn't have a
reaction there was never any official
reaction they were just more or less
bystanders and interested in the results
mhm uh what we later discovered is that
as a result of that I had sought
guidance from the highest levels of the
the United States intelligence community
in particular Admiral Bobby Ray Inman
who was the head of the National
Security Agency deputy director at CIA
host of other top intelligence post and
a technologist and uh uh so there was a
sort of a comaraderie just established
from that uh he had informed me in a
documented recorded telephone
conversation uh inadvertently recorded
actually uh that the United States
government had possession of uh
extraordinary Hardware in operational
condition that was of non human origin
and manufacturer of course the public
popular term is UFO and you've seen them
I have indeed we're going to find out
about that in a couple of minutes going
to play a record first here's David Boe
loving the alien slur is with me ex of
NASA investigations analyst we've got to
the point Bob in your story and you're
only in the UK on a on a flying visit uh
you came on a plane another a UFO right
we had to leave the desk in the shop uh
had the you time to change the oil every
55,000 miles but you're deadly serious
you know this isn't a wind up is it this
isn't a you're going to come come to
some of the technology of it later on
and it's absolutely riveting you seen
you say retrieved craft what was the
expression you used Hardware operational
Hardware right you've seen this who in
whose possession was it uh I've seen it
in both situations I've seen it where
they were being piloted and guided by uh
presumably non-human Pilots they clearly
were not remotely operated vehicles have
you seen it in in US
governmental care yes and I've talked to
a number of test pilots who had
worked on the projects and test flight
uh programs worked with what you might
call mechanics who actually physicists
uh who worked on uh propulsion systems
related to the vehicles and they report
some rather extraordinary findings how
close did you get to one of these things
I've been within about 200 ft uh is
about the closest I've been to him i0
closer to well in in the case of
vehicles that were operated by nonhumans
uh it was surprising that I was able to
get that close because I certainly
didn't have any control of that
in the case of US military and
intelligence due to a variety of
security and safety restrictions really
were they not extremely guarded about
this uh operational craft even given the
fact that you were um an official in
certain ways were they not extremely
guarded and nervous that anyone was
seeing it Beyond a a Chosen
Few well uh again I we do have it on
record that these issues are covered
under National secrecy laws uh however
there's somewhat of a dichotomy that
exists here uh yes the technology is
highly classified but the issue of the
vehicles themselves of the presence of
the intelligence species uh behind them
is the subject of an indoctrination
program in especially in the United
States but it's also worldwide I found
uh they studies had been conducted back
in the uh very late 50s paid for by NASA
actually is conducted at the Brookings
institution in Washington DC regarding
the implications of a confrontation with
an extraterrestrial culture whether or
not this information should be withheld
from the public what the out would be
it's fairly shattering sh shatters many
Illusions well it does shatter
especially of theology the whole exactly
the especially in the economic arena is
what of course the the biggest concern
was so so as a coroller to what you're
saying why were they not extra careful
that people like you didn't wander in
and have a look which you evidently did
and come over and talk about it on radio
shows and television shows which you
evidently are well because in effect I
end up wittingly or unwittingly playing
a part in their indoctrination scheme
the idea is that in order to solve the
problem of the chaos created by public
disclosure uh it was determined back in
the late 60s that the solution to
avoiding chaos was a slow long-term
indoctrination program they got involved
the intelligence Community got involved
in development of films like Close
Encounters of the Third Kind so so
briefly what what is your role in this
why why are they quite relaxed about the
fact that you're talking like this and
and you you talked about security
regulations presumably you're bleaching
all of those why are they relaxed about
it they well again it's like I say is
that there is in fact an indoctrination
program and I'm essentially playing a
part of that you're a drip feed you
could say that I mean the difference
would be you can either have uh lunatics
running about talking about aliens and
extraterrestrial spacecraft without any
basic background knowledge to what
they're talking about and just
speculating wildly or you could have
somebody who actually knows something
about it or several people who know
something about it to set the record
straight and to provide that information
right let's have some more music and I'm
going to find out more about this alien
craft these alien creatures why they're
here what sort of deal is going on
between them and our governments and all
sorts of other things which I think
you'll find very intriguing with Bob
exler after
this so you were within 200 ft of this
alien craft Bob U which you say was a
retrieve craft in operational order what
did it look like well again I don't know
that I could say that it was a retrieved
craft uh as far as I'm aware um it just
as well could have been given to us I
mean certainly wasn't shot down it could
have been provided uh maybe there was uh
you know a barter Arrangement or
something a barter Arrangement I'm going
to write that down so I come back to
that barter Arrangement given because
that uh strikes an interesting note um
what did it look like well a uh it was
about a 30t diameter disc shaped craft
had uh sort of a small Dome around the
center portion uh there was uh
protruding flanges equidistant around
the outer edge uh there's some kind of
apparatus hanging down in the bottom it
was uh floating above the ground
probably at about 10 ft altitude uh the
tremendous amount of plasmatic light
with various colors plasma uh it's a u
very very bright white lights caused by
interaction of a very high electrical
voltage field around on the desk uh in
fact I was able to learn that the reason
they use a circular type of craft is in
order to contain a high voltage field so
you don't have a Corona discharge in
fact if you ordinary power lines well in
ordinary power lines they you might have
seen these round spherical resistors
that they put on the capacitors they put
on these power lines that's to avoid a
discharge of electricity that might zap
somebody driving by in a car there may
well be a lot of astrophysicist
listening but I'm not one of them and
suffice to say this is a highly
sophisticated looking piece of equipment
how do you know it wasn't made here
because I was told for one plus I also
uh interviewed an official of a Canadian
government who was actually on board the
craft and visited with the intelligence
that was on
board he he seem stunned yes he did what
with the Intelligence on board uh
visited with them communicated uh
interacted uh the the individual I
believe was taken on board probably
without being asked would you speak this
individual of Canadian yes I did the
individual and arranged to have
conducted a military polygraph exam as a
lie detector yes indeed and what was the
result of that well let me put it this
way the polygraph examiner said
beginning when we started in on this
thing there's absolutely no way this
individual has to be making this up uh
when we completed the exam uh which took
approximately a week of extraordinary
work just to construct the proper
questioning procedure uh polygraph
examiner came away scratching his head
uh convinced Not only was the the uh uh
the witness telling the truth or
believed exactly what the witness was
saying but also that this was not um any
form of uh hallucination or Fant the
witnesses the witnesses you call this
Canadian gentleman was the only person
on board see you call him a gentleman I
haven't you know I've been very careful
to keep neutral with regard to gender oh
so it was a
woman that's interesting
conclusion he may be a scientist but I
know a bit about logic myself right this
is amazing uh what did this person he or
she or it or whatever relay about their
conversations in italics with uh or
Communications I should say with the
intelligent life form well intriguingly
enough one of uh two entities that she
had in uh direct encounter with
apparently was dying was quite ill they
apparently were conducting operations
against their will indicating that uh
they were under control of some other
intelligence shall we say uh don't know
what the other intelligence was or at
least I'm not at Liberty to say what the
speculation is at this point well what
is the speculation I mean you can you
can tell tell us it's I I'd prefer not
to to to get into that end of it but uh
let's just say why not I mean I'm not
asking you to but why not well I think
it would probably be inappropriate
because it could in fact uh be rather
indictable to uh particular species of
human shall we say us in other words
well not us but a specific nationality
of humans was was referenced in this uh
encounter and it wouldn't be proper or
fair to suggest or or indict some uh
okay well anyway nationality wouldn't be
ethical I'll say so they being made to
do this against their will uh these and
how did they communicate
telepathically uh which is an
interesting study in itself uh
telepathic communication is uh is quite
intriguing because we've been able to
learn that you could have five different
individuals in a room all speaking
different tongues and a telepathic
communication could be transmitted to
all five simultaneously and the
translation effect takes place within
the individual so uh ironically enough
you don't have to know the language uh
to conduct telepathic communication with
well if we could do I could know exactly
what you were talking about with that
particular um species of human a few
minutes ago what did they look like they
were approximately 4T tall they had
self-illuminating skin was a bit on the
uh uh sort of yellowish white the eyes
were rather large uh black we don't know
if it was actually a coating because of
sensitivity to the eyes but uh uh it
looked like those big wraparound uh
sunglasses they used to have uh a couple
of decades back and they were wearing
clothes this uh they were and they were
wearing black jumpsuit type clothing
right very Natty uh right let's have
some more music Jimmy Cliff on 1 FM
Bob exler ex NASA Mission specialist
with me earlier on Bob you were talking
about the fact that this craft May well
have been given as part of some barter
Arrangement you've got to tell me more
about this well the fact that I was able
to learn that uh at one facility of
which I understand that there are
several but I've not visited them uh but
at one facility there's house nine
different types of craft and I'm I
assume all in operational condition from
what I was told by people people who
were there and uh that to have an
operational craft you would assume it
didn't crash somewhere and was recovered
and presumably wasn't shot down or you
expect to find some kind of damage to it
unless of course uh some uh method of
electromagnetic pulse weapon system or
something like that might have been used
uh to disable the craft and then again
you would expect to have some kind of
damage in in in retrieval operation so
you're maintaining that there's some
sort of deal going on between the US
government or the the allies governments
whatever they're called in this new
world order and some alien life form
there some sort of arrangement well I
ask Admiral lman that question if he was
aware of any ongoing dialogues today I
probably should have left off the word
today because uh he indicated uh not to
his knowledge uh however I I did get the
impression that from the period of 1979
to 1982 that there very well could have
been some form of dialogue going on with
at least one species and that opens up
yet another Pandora's Box because the
evidence clearly suggests that there's
more than one species involved just like
there's more than one nationality of
human being or species if you will we're
talking about more than one genus more
than one apparently so and in fact even
in this one the the creatures that I
described just a little while ago uh it
clearly appears that there are different
species of those we find different
features like for example the same
typical species would have a snout nose
feature whereas others have virtually no
facial features in other words nose or
mouth or anything like that what do they
want from us
well that again is a very difficult
question to answer because uh that would
presume that we had some knowledge of
the alien agenda uh we don't really know
what the alien agenda is we can only
derive from analysis of the facts of
what we see clearly what is going on uh
there is uh aside from the fact that
there is a genetic engineering program
and that's a another mix Al together but
apparently they have uh abducted is a
term that's been commonly used uh human
beings from all walks of life with no
apparent Rhyme or Reason to a selection
process for at least four generations
now uh we've been able to document that
they've been taken given medical
examinations uh extract semen from males
extract eggs from females uh fertilize
eggs to a half breed shall we say
reimplant the egg in the womb uh the
female of course is pregnated uh will
carry the uh fetus for 3 months and will
be reabducted and the fetus extracted in
some cases we've had twins where one of
the twins was extracted just before
birth well which is got to be quite a
shock for a mother who you know is told
she's got she's having twins for N9
months going on absolutely right now uh
today in very significant numbers and
the government knows about it absolutely
and they're quite happy about it because
some deal has been done we've evaluated
as many as 3,000 cases in North America
so out there in idter space there's a
whole lot of half breeds going around
half alien half um human and yeah well
we don't really know what the purpose is
for anything like that I mean maybe
they're trying to seed another planet
who knows what the you know there's been
speculation about they're trying to
reinstitute some that they're on the
downside of an evolutionary curve
they're trying to reinstitute some lost
uh uh qualities or something or other uh
we have also had some rather
extraordinary cases quite a number
really involving the study of human
emotions where they will create a
scenario almost uh being able to create
a psychosomatic
environment those who have seen new
features of Star Wars Deep Space 9 they
have a a Hol deck where they seem to be
able to simulate thing well it's almost
as if that sort of environment is
created in order to extract or elicit
from a human uh being a specific emotion
uh they'll take that individual into a
specific room uh We've identified the
specific apparatus they'll use to put on
the head of the individual and they'll
put a similar apparatus on the head of
one of the aliens uh they will somehow
trigger a replay mechanism if you will
and force the uh human to relive The
Experience uh mentally and uh transpose
the whole emotional process to The
Entity and then that one will get up
they'll bring another one in and they'll
go through this process 12 times for the
same incident for example uh and and
it's kind of remarkable because one
might assume well gee with all this kind
of Technology you'd think they have the
ability to do a multiple memory dump or
something rather but that's clearly not
you know those aren't the facts of what
we're getting in these
cases BL me poob exler is my guest
tonight I'm going to have uh chat to Bob
about the technology of these craft are
we using technology just how do these um
UFOs work because he studied that and
he's got some interesting things to say
after this from Joon
trading the night tonight my guest Bob x
l x of NASA talking about retrieved
alien craft landed alien craft alien
craft that had been given to us as part
of a barter with uh another life form
he's talking about the fact that humans
have been taking on these craft this is
an ex NASA scientist here he says that
it's just a matter of time before all
this information is commonly known
sometime in the next uh century No Doubt
um but uh they've got the drip feed it
to us because it's too much for us all
at once it's certainly too much for me
at this time of night Bob but you are a
scientist how do these spacecrafts work
spacecraft how do they work uh it's a
very very fascinating science because uh
don't be too technical no I'll do my
best as Carl Sean often has said it's
not logical for us to even consider
traveling to the nearest star system
system due to the concepts of linear
travel if you doesn't matter how fast
you go even if you can approach the
speed of light you still have to go from
point A to point B and whatever that
distance in Lighty years is it takes way
too long for us to consider feasibly
going there and coming back uh well if
you can eliminate some of these Concepts
is what is apparently happened with
these craft what they do is uh they're
able to generate their own gravitational
field uh and without getting too
technical they are able to manipulate
time which is something we have been
very much aware of for a couple of
decades at Nasa is that gravity slows
down time uh in contrast to what we
normally think of is 60 seconds a minute
and so on there is no constant relative
to that except in one place in terms of
the gravity you know in other words the
gravity field is the same on the surface
of the Earth but when you leave the
surface of the Earth uh strange things
begin to happen in terms of time fact is
is that time speeds up the further away
from a gravity influence you get well
these machines create intensified
gravitational fields which in effect
slow down time as we see it uh and are
able to cut down on the amount of time
it takes to go from point A to point B
the other point is is that if they're
able to focus a gravity field on another
point they're able to stretch or pull
together points A and B as a you view
let's say space as like a water bed uh
if you put a bowling ball in the middle
of the water bed the bed kind of wraps
up around the ball well this is very
typical to what happens in space if you
create an intensified gravitational
field you Warp the distances between the
two in other words shortening the
distance between A and B making uh the
whole concept more feasible uh and and
that's in a nutshell really how these
things operate is by warping space and
time and uh getting into some real
interesting astrophysical Sciences it
interprets into a much more feasible
method of travel so it's not like
getting from a to be the old linear
travel it's the technology is kind of
antimatter well there are some systems
that use what is referred to as an
anti-matter reactor which is an
extremely powerful system it uses super
heavy elements uh well beyond those that
we have been familiar with traditionally
like uranium they are able to capitalize
apparently there's a low grade BG
gravity wave uh which is different than
the atomic gravity that holds molecules
together that they're able to capitalize
off that and amplify it and they use a
series of amplifiers in order to focus
it it's a lot easier to focus three
points than it is to just try to focus
one typically with a telescope we'll try
to focus one what we've learned in deep
space science like in the SE project is
that if you put one antenna here one in
aasbo you know and you split these
around the planet you can actually Focus
three different points get a much bigger
uh telescopic view uh well this is very
similar to the types of things that
they're doing with gravity waves so
presumably they've taken some of these
elements heavier than uranium down here
and we've now got them in our hands and
they're being examined now that's
another interesting phenomenon too is
that we apparently have about 500 lb of
this uh of the fuel shall we say the
heavy gravity stabilized fuel the
systems that are used uh how we got that
is uh is remarkable because it only
takes about 223 gram to operate one of
these things we don't even know how long
I mean it's a lot longer than the
average car will last I'll tell you that
it's amazing stuff one last question why
haven't we utilized any of this thus far
well actually we have in quite a number
of areas uh the development of the B2
stealth bomber was was one that I'm
aware of where an anti-gravity cabin was
developed an impressive machine but it's
hardly spectacular use of alien
technology I mean well it's not going to
take us to another solar system so why
haven't we been to another solar system
if we have known all this for such a
relatively long time well it's certainly
and that would be an advance that that
would assume that we have a complete
understanding of the technology to go to
another uh star system the prospects are
we probably have used it to go to the
moon but right now it seems that the
focus at this point seems to be to learn
learn how to adapt some of the alien
derived Technologies into applicable
human uses one of which is to uh develop
uh Air transport that can carry large
amounts of weight over long distances
without the fuel requirements that uh we
typically are confronted with we've been
to the Moon using this technology you
think what I think that is Moon missions
that we know about uh that we don't know
about there have been Moon missions that
we don't know about uh that's my
yes well we could going all night Bob
it's been fascinating having you and
have a safe journey home I know you're
flying back tomorrow uh Bob exler
investigations analyst and um a man with
a good story to tell if nothing else I
think people have enjoyed listening uh
thanks very much thanks for having me
Nick the questions people are asking on
the phone no he does not have a
Bookout it was a oneoff 1 FM
exclusive because of the fact that
Timothy good has a good relationship
with this program who's a expert on UFOs
and I have a good working relationship
with Tim and Tim put me on to Bob exler
Bob exler is an associate of his
obviously and uh Tim a fa said look he's
in the country he's seeing me he's on a
private visit but if he want I'm sure
your listeners would be interested I
said you bet and so Bob was on the show
uh and he wasn't paid for the interview
he not some charlatan going around
taking money whatever you think about it
a good old yarn and he definitely is uh
I can verify he's an ex NASA scientist
and uh thanks for all the calls
tremendous amount as they was are on