Julius Caesar "Et tu, Brute." So to Et Tu Social Media

Having to be so restrained holding Truth back - Here. Part Truth is better than NO truth Right?
Seems to be the way - Flood true information But if you are in the system - With hold essential truth.
MSM has been compromised & in this way so has all Truth.

As Per Julius Caesar "Et tu, Brute." So to Et Tu Social Media

Dan Carlin noted how the fall of the Roman Empire (in his opinion) was attributed to the view “if one just breaks the rules this one time.”

#UN #UFO #Alien Resolution Blocked! By USA & UK! USA Air Force "The Real UFOs?" Kidding Right Fake Headline

UFO'S over The White House in 1947 & In Ancient Medieval times - Have Nothing to do with USAF What an extreme #ufo #alien Cover up!

Sir Eric Gairy UN UFO Alien Resolution UFO ARE REAL & EXTREME COVER UPS!