Be aware that there is technology in this world as well as those who practice black magic and spell work that were able to project thoughts and imagines in my subconscious;

especially in my dream state.

So my biggest advice is for everyone to release all fear and know that negative thoughts and images are not your own.

Pray and meditate daily without ceasing.

You dont have to have a high conscious or intellect to overcome but you must love all creation as you love yourself ( it does not mean you have to like them)

it just means that you respect the fact that SOURCE is in all creation.

In order to stay or become spiritually fit, you must by no means wish bad on others, not even your enemies;

because all that you intend for others is what you receive, it doesnt matter who they are, universal law is like that.

We must forgive but not forget or you will repeat the experience or lessons. Forgive others to release the negative emotions in yourself.

Its not easy, so pray for help and pray for that being. Just know without doubt that karma will take care of the rest.

Albeit it use to take karma along time to affect bad people. Some didnt receive their karma until their next lifetime. This is not the case now.

The cycle is closed for the dark or satans reign on earth and all are receiving karma instantly via their true heart intentions.

Their shit is not even going out. It is backfiring immediately.

Everything allowed to happen to what seems like to us, is only for our spiritual growth.

So if you are gping through something ask your higher self or the god of your understanding, what lesson are you suppose to learn from it.

Most importantly, release all fears and let go of past traumas by being rigorously honest. Always pray and ask for help when you need it.

Due to the laws of freewill and choice, praying and asking for help is necessary.

Moreover, and even more importantly, go within admit your faults and ask that they be removed. None of us are perfect.

Life itself is about experience and spiritually growing, (Spirit or SOURCE) expressing itself as a physical being and learning from the experience,

constantly expanding or descending, either way, we all return to Source.

I personally chose to ascend and keep my soul. Initially, it did not feel good going deep and admitting my faults and truth about myself, certain things and behaviors

l have done or displayed in the past, secrets l had kept and held onto; especially facing my fears and feeling all the hurtful feelings of the past all the way through

( seeking the origin of when l first felt the pain and truama. Yet, l was tired of feeling and doing what l was doing, so l was willing to do what l had to do.

I even prayed to have the capacity to be rigorously honest. Its funny now, but there was a time when l doubted my capacity to be totally honest.

I was scared and thought that l might have been one of those unfortunates that the big book of Alcohol Anonymous talks about in the chapter of HOW IT WORKS.

ANYWAY, know that you will be left behind and stuck in that same mode of self hate, doubt, fear, confusion and a continuous cycle of despair if you dont: go within,

admit your faults and defeat; believe in miracles; devolope a relationship with your Higher self or the God of your understanding; choose the Christ(Holy Spirit) within you

and not the dark (Ego and pride); love yourself regardless of the mistakes you have made in the past or regardless of whether nobody else loves you.

Know that you are loved by the Creator of all that is Holy Spirit (Christ) Source within you.

If you are a born hater, then you are hated by the Source within you and you time is up44.

I conclude, that you move forward and be the person that you want to meet. First things first, be or become your own best friend and lover. GO WITHIN

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