Silence by the General Public ultimately could be Tragic for themselves!

#TI's Targeted Individuals Are Terrorized & tortured by remote frequencies from Cell Towers and Satellites

Talking Via Cell Towers & Satellites NOT by Smartphones But Direct #V2K Voice to Skull = #RNM

What do I really I think?

We are at a tipping point. 

Mass Mind Control has been sought with such motivation dedication there can be NO doubt that is what they want.

They CIA and scientists have said - they want Mass Mind Control.

They can do anything after that - they will total control of body and mind.  

All we can do is draw mass attention to All the tyranny - and together replace those in control.

But then that is what they are already doing... Infiltrating in so many ways you have not even considered....

And their knowledge about us individually is beyond comprehension... 

Yet those who can see the future say - we just have to believe we can.... ??? Question  Everything.

”Humans will be hack able Animals with no free will” #TI - Targeted Individuals have been WARNING for a long time = Mind Control #V2K