Karen Hudes aliens/demons sit in the meetings Whistle Blower World Bank
I am guessing this link will not last...
HOUR 2: My guest today is Karen Hudes, former senior counsel at the World Bank.Our discussion today covers substantive issues of the corruption which Karen exposed, as well as broader analysis of systemic issues within the monetary system and the hidden control exerted over international banking by the Jesuits and the Vatican.
Karen Hudes, Attorney and World Bank Whistleblower visited the World Bank in Washington DC and was handcuffed, detained, and finally cited and scheduled to appear before Eric Holder's US Attorney's Office in Washington D.C. on 5/30/13 for UNLAWFUL ENTRY. Judge Howze hears my motion 5/30/13 Room C-10 500 Indiana Ave today!! Ms. Hudes has been subjected to horrifying attacks by her fomer master including invasion of her medical privacy, unlawful termination and barring orders. Dispite these attacks, she remains vigilant in her efforts to corrct the global monetary systme swhich she asserts is on the verge of collapse within days.SEE FULL ARTICLE!!
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