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 grow some plants with / with out Wi-Fi signal radiation

can it hurt our brain our arms our legs does Wi-Fi hurt our body physically and mentally

could it affect your count and decrease uh population

Wi-Fi in your house classroom of kids teaching children about the effects of RF

different frequencies can have on people and how we are dealing with everybody not just TI and people who Hear Voices

majority of the people are being affected

Affected by frequencies without even realizing it

mental health issues very real physical symptoms mental and mood disturbances frequencies can also mimic anything that a drug can

dopamine dumps in a human body which could essentially OD somebody

especially if they're already on an opioid or some other drug

NOT obviously attacked it's more subtle

intrusive thoughts we know for a fact that this didn't exist like it does now

if that many people are receiving these quote unquote intrusive thoughts are they all TI

the number of people not being affected becomes the minority

you are gravely minimizing everything that I have ever talked about

       list of people who can be suffering from the effects of RF EF EMF and high frequencies

intentional weaponized or from the abundance of RF EF that surrounds everybody

we live in this electrosmog so people with tunitis or rather artificial tunitis people who hear the hum

people affected with Alzheimer's or dementia people with more gallons

people who have psychic messages sent to them

people who have channeled messages from the dead people

who have channeled messages from Aliens people

who have channeled messages from Angels or demons people

with ADHD people with diabetes people with arthritis people with anxiety people with depression

people dealing with bipolar disorder anyone with an internal dialogue that doesn't feel or seem natural

people experiencing weight gain out of the blue especially children

Wi-Fi and wireless frequencies can cause this and it can be intentional

people experiencing Vision issues worsening Vision snow in their Vision static in their Vision flashing in their Vision seeing fireworks

in their Vision at night Etc people dealing with artificial hauntings haunted houses paranormal events Etc

people dealing with sleep disturbances sleep paralysis chronic sleep sleep talking people dealing with insomnia

people dealing with narcolepsy people dealing with chronic fatigue people with crohn's disease people with electr Hyper sensitivity disorder

people who commit suicide attempt to commit suicide or have suicide like Tendencies

people who Hear Voices people who feel shocks and pains people who feel VI vibrations on or within their body

people who feel chronic cramping of their muscles everyone who equates their negative symptoms to Ascension people dealing with quote unquote schizophrenia people lupus people allergies almost all other autoimmune syndromes people

experiencing Havana syndrome people who have rage disorders

I could keep going and going and going

All of these can be caused by weaponized or just negative frequencies around people so once you really look at this and chop up the pie chart

how many people are not being affected by this in one way or another


 you have all types of physical and neurological effects happening to people

RF can cause dopamine dumps in the human brain

now all the Missing 411 people out there are wondering how

GHB is getting into people's systems and making them do crazy things

 a lot of these people have been drinking alcohol and you need to think about this because none of them ever consider technology

if you're in a field a particular field of waves you can cause dopamine dumps in people you can certainly cause GHB dumps

the human body makes GHP so none of this is ever considered when people are talking about this

always goes to the Paranormal or something like that in fact the the people that are into this Missing 411 stuff never look up technology

when you've been researching it for you know years and years and years you know what this technology is capable of doing

RF can do anything

that something physical can do RF can do anything that a drug can do RF can do more than all these things

mentioned Missing 411 and somebody says uh you claim that missing 401 cases are caused by these sound frequencies

actually I said they're caused by frequencies not just sound frequencies

how do you explain when the bodies of those who are never found or are found in areas already searched

well it it's not me within opinion you can look up the patents and the technology

that can do this right

  you can do these with radio frequencies you know plasma all kinds of [ __ ]

a new patent enables invisibility through cloaking and deflection at microwave frequencies

they're talking about electromagnetic cloaking deflection of satellites Rockets Towers antennas Vehicles body coverings people ships spacecraft

and many others each uniquely recognized as novel invention

so you know you can find patent after patent after patent and and other information that isn't patented

this is why we are so behind technology wise and the the public doesn't have it because all these inventions go dark

they keep them very hidden and people believe that they're that they're Theory

you know when they're not they're not Theory at all

you can hide all kinds of things with frequencies

and they're not just sound frequencies they are all types of frequencies EF electrical Fields

then you have EMF and then you have EF

and then you have all different sorts of frequencies that are in the tool set to do practically whatever they want

including the affect the human mind and that's what I want to get into in this video is affecting the human mind

 this is why I put that list of symptoms into this video because people are making this continuously making this about TI

everybody is being affected by these frequencies not just the straight up weaponized ones

people are being affected that are just living within them

because these frequencies have a negative effect on the body the central nervous system the cranial nervous system system all of it

so you have all these people out there that are suddenly being arrested for DUIs

that are completely sober and they're being arrested because they are failing field sobriety tests

now this is a brand new thing

it is happening all the time and you need to really think about this why is this happening all the time

it is happening because people's nervous systems are being fried out and shot from this crap

 I can show you what I'm talking about when you sleep around Wi-Fi for you know 6 8 hours

whatever and you wake up you may feel shaky you feel weird you don't feel steady on your feet

live in apartments where the other 12 apartments around them all have Wi-Fi cranking you know

or there's a cell tower next to their house or whatever the circumstances may be

they are being smothered with this stuff it is absolutely insane

 going to jail and they have nothing in their system because their bodies cannot physically pass a field sobriety test

only have one beer bably exposed to RF EF WiFi Wireless all these different frequencies 247 we are being pelted with this [ __ ] 247 365

you blew triple zeros twice like you're not drunk I don't know why you're here

new phenomenon right it's brand new just in recent years this did not happen before

now you have all these people hundreds of them if you look them up on YouTube there are hundreds of them

goes to jail for a DUI and did not have any drugs or alcohol in her system

I said she don't drink she don't do drugs she just left the house there were no drugs in Ashley F's car

her eyelids had Tremors eyelids had Tremors this is a typical symptom of being exposed to Too Much RF EF

anything that can affect your central nervous system this is a typical symptom

people's central nervous systems are being affected by this and it's happening everywhere here is a study of cell tower health effects

and the table of contents ll just show you the table of contents okay we have uh cancer health effects

cancer neurological effects effects on reproductive organs effects on well-being effects on sleep effects

on cells effects on eyes oxidative stress effects on blood death effects on hormones uh genetic effects

effects on glands effects on animals and environment effects on on skin effects on protein effects on immune function

electromagnetic hyper sensitivity RF levels in cities effects on water RF levels from cell towers danger perception

and symptoms when when you start to go over these and you start to really look it up you will see it everywhere

this is why people are failing field soety tests

effects of radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure on neurophysiology and it goes through everything that can happen

electromagnetic field exposure on central nervous system and it goes into all types of EMF and RF having an effect on the nervous system

which will cause eye Tremors balance problems with your inner ears pressure all symptoms of EMF ef ef which can have effect on your balance

I will show you these are symptoms attributed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields

we have abdominal pain anxiety appetite loss arousal decreased blood pressure increased breath less chest pain concentration difficulties

crankiness daytime sleepiness digestive problems dizziness dry skin exhaustion faintness fatigue fear feebleness feeling hot forgetfulness hair loss headache head pressure heartbeat irregularity heart palpitation hormonal disorder hypers sensitivity to medication hypers sensitivity to noise intestinal

trouble irregular bowel movement irritation itching skin limb pain metabolic disorder mood changes mood depression muscle cramps muscle pain

nausea neck pain neuralgia then you have neurasthenia numb limbs phosphines rash restlessness skin burning skin redness skin tingling sleep disturbance stress sweating SW swollen eyes swollen joints which is what are swollen joints that's arthritis

Tac cardia tenseness tiredness toothache trembling well there's your uh Tremors right there trembling uh unfeeling this Vision blurring

vomiting weariness and these are just the ones listed in mainstream science

it is terrifying to me that people are being arrested for something that they are being exposed to every day

that they are out there telling you is completely and totally safe and it isn't it totally isn't

do you have Wi-Fi in your house no i' I've been in the technology industry all my life and I've never had Wi-Fi

because I just didn't feel it was right I didn't feel it was safe and my wife has been very actually forceful about not having that

now you can run a longer wire it's a bit annoying so that's it for now look out for Charlie

Talks about GHB: The drug used as a 'rapist's weapon of choice' - BBC

Missing 411 | Missing Children in National Parks

Talks about Missing Children & People.

GHB: The drug used as a 'rapist's weapon of choice' - BBC


okay before we start this video I want to show you this video segment of a teacher who put a test out and I saw this some years ago and I wanted to show you guys before we move on this is all related and I want to keep it all related in uh interwoven so let's start with this video we're going to grow some plants inside of there one of them without Wi-Fi signal one of them with Wi-Fi signal they're called fad cages so one of them will be putting out radiation where the other one is not going to be doing that I don't think anything's going to happen I don't really know I don't know because it's just like this plastic thing with technology in it but like we don't know if that will affect the plant I don't really feel like radiation affects me in any way so I don't feel like it's going to affect another living thing like a plant [Music] May yeah that should be good yeah one of them is going to be exposed to high levels and the whole reason that we've covered them in tin foil is because the environment of this classroom is filled with that it's going to die you think so yeah [Music] it blew my mind that the Wi-Fi off like the plants are growing yeah but Wi-Fi on the plants are growing so I think that when the Wi-Fi is on it's affecting the world like affecting the whole entire world first thing I would look up is what what else can it hurt what our brain our arms our legs does Wi-Fi hurt our body physically and mentally could it affect your count and decrease uh population have any countries or cities like banned Wi-Fi all of these studies do you have Wi-Fi in your house no i' I've been in the technology industry all my life and I've never had Wi-Fi because well I just didn't feel it was right I didn't feel it was safe and my wife has been very actually forceful about not having that now you can run a longer wire it's a bit annoying now I truly commend this teacher for doing this test and doing it with his students that means there's one intelligent non bootlicker teacher out there and at least a classroom of kids walked away with the hopes of not being uh RF dumb asses every classroom in the world should be teaching children about the effects of RF ef ef and every other frequency people are completely and totally ignorant to it and the effects that it can have on people and that is a a crime in my eyes it really is they're not being educated at all they're being indoctrinated so now before we get into the meat of this video I want to play this segment that I was putting in another video that I didn't release it is referring to the effects that RF EF EMF and all these different frequencies can have on people and how we are dealing with everybody not just TI and people who Hear Voices but majority of the people are being affected so I'm going to let that play right now when I cover these weapons and the negative electrosmog that we currently live in I am often referring to people who are being affected by these frequencies without even realizing it not only people with behavioral and what is referred to as mental health issues but also people with very real physical symptoms as it is a fact that not only do frequencies create mental and mood disturbances they can also create very real physical symptoms and frequencies can also mimic anything that a drug can for example frequencies can cause dopamine dumps in a human body which could essentially OD somebody especially if they're already on an opioid or some other drug you know most people affected by these frequencies are not being overtly or obviously attacked it's more subtle and you know with the normalization of all this let's take the comment section from the Airline worker who stole the airplane that I was talking about a couple uh videos ago in that comment section thoughts or paid posters attempted to normalize this by stating that the intrusive thoughts just W out that day as if everybody out there is receiving intrusive thoughts we know for a fact that this didn't exist like it does now none of these intrusive thoughts were out there like they are now and if that many people are receiving these quote unquote intrusive thoughts are they all TI the number of people not being affected becomes the minority and if you believe that I'm only referring to TI after all this time you are gravely minimizing everything that I have ever talked about on this channel so let's clear this up let's go over a list of people who can be suffering from the effects of RF EF EMF and high frequencies whether those be intentional weaponized or from the abundance of RF EF that surrounds everybody in this present landscape that we live in this electrosmog so people with tunitis or rather artificial tunitis people who hear the hum people affected with Alzheimer's or dementia people with more gallons people who have psychic messages sent to them people who have channeled messages from the dead people who have channeled messages from Aliens people who have channeled messages from Angels or demons people with ADHD people with diabetes people with arthritis people with anxiety people with depression people dealing with bipolar disorder anyone with an internal dialogue that doesn't feel or seem natural people experiencing weight gain out of the blue especially children Wi-Fi and wireless frequencies can cause this and it can be intentional people experiencing Vision issues worsening Vision snow in their Vision static in their Vision flashing in their Vision seeing fireworks in their Vision at night Etc people dealing with artificial hauntings haunted houses paranormal events Etc people dealing with sleep disturbances sleep paralysis chronic sleep sleeptalking people dealing with insomnia people dealing with narcolepsy people dealing with chronic fatigue people with crohn's disease people with electr Hyper sensitivity disorder people who commit suicide attempt to commit suicide or have suicid like Tendencies people who Hear Voices people who feel shocks and pains people who feel VI vibrations on or within their body people who feel chronic cramping of their muscles everyone who equates their negative symptoms to Ascension people dealing with quote unquote schizophrenia people with lupus people with allergies almost all other autoimmune syndromes people experiencing Havana syndrome people who have rage disorders I could keep going and going and going but I'm G to stop because that's the point that I wanted to make all of these can be caused by weaponized or just negative frequencies around people so once you really look at this and chop up the pie chart how many people are not being affected by this in one way or another and that is what my videos have aimed to show people over the years I'm not sure if I brought up arthritis or not in that list but I should have have you know you have all types of physical and neurological effects happening to people and don't you find it strange this is tied in as well that RF can cause dopamine dumps in the human brain now all the Missing 411 people out there are wondering how GHB is getting into people's systems and making them do crazy things you know one guy woke up floating down a river I know all these cases front to back and he he woke up floating down a river had no idea how he got from the water to the bank he was floating on his back made it to a hospital had no idea how he got into the water or anything now a lot of these people have been drinking alcohol and you need to think about this because none of them ever consider technology if you're in a field a particular field of waves you can cause dopamine dumps in people you can certainly cause GHB dumps the human body makes GHP so none of this is ever considered when people are talking about this it always goes to the Paranormal or something like that in fact the the people that are into this Missing 411 stuff never look up technology and do the research into technology and when you've been researching it for you know years and years and years you know what this technology is capable of doing RF can do anything that something physical can do RF can do anything that a drug can do RF can do more than all these things for example in the video about uh the Uber driver incident somebody I had mentioned Missing 411 and somebody says uh you claim that missing 401 cases are caused by these sound frequencies actually I said they're caused by frequencies not just sound frequencies and I didn't say all of them I said a majority of them and then it says uh but how do you explain when the bodies of those who are never found or are found in areas already searched well it it's not me within opinion you can look up the patents and the technology that can do this right and it's right there for everybody to see so let's check this out real quick I actually left the person a link let's scope it now you can do these with radio frequencies you know plasma all kinds of [ __ ] and they are experimenting with it all over you know here a new patent enables invisibility through cloaking and deflection at microwave frequencies and then when you get into it you know they're talking about electromagnetic cloaking deflection of satellites Rockets Towers antennas Vehicles body coverings people ships spacecraft and many others each uniquely recognized as novel invention so you know you can find patent after patent after patent and and other information that isn't patented and they just take it you know this is why we are so behind technology wise and the the public doesn't have it because all these inventions go dark and they keep them very hidden and people believe that they're that they're Theory you know when they're not they're not Theory at all you can hide all kinds of things with frequencies and they're not just sound frequencies they are all types of frequencies EF electrical Fields then you have EMF and then you have EF and then you have all different sorts of frequencies that are in the tool set to do practically whatever they want including the affect the human mind and that's what I want to get into in this video is affecting the human mind mind and what is going on and this is why I put that list of symptoms into this video because people are making this continuously making this about TI everybody is being affected by these frequencies not just the straight up weaponized ones people are being affected that are just living within them because these frequencies have a negative effect on the body the central nervous system the cranial nervous system system all of it so let's check out what's going on so you have all these people out there that are suddenly being arrested for DUIs that are completely sober and they're being arrested because they are failing field sobriety tests now this is a brand new thing we know that you know one may have happened uh here and there before but now it is happening all the time and you need to really think about this why is this happening all the time it is happening because people's nervous systems are being fried out and shot from this crap and I can show you what I'm talking about when you sleep around Wi-Fi for you know 6 8 hours whatever and you wake up you may feel shaky you feel weird you don't feel steady on your feet and people do not turn off their Wi-Fi man they sleep with that [ __ ] going 24 hours a day or they shut it off and they live in apartments where the other 12 apartments around them all have Wi-Fi cranking you know or there's a cell tower next to their house or whatever the circumstances may be they are being smothered with this stuff it is absolutely insane so with all these cases happening you got these kids you know younger people that are being pulled pulled over and they're being checked out and they're going to jail and they have nothing in their system because their bodies cannot physically pass a field sobriety test think about that so let's check this out 7 but it's clear from Woods body cam after putting the 22-year-old through a series of tests and looking into his eyes he thought cash was drunk see a lot of these tests go by the eyes they conduct the test with the light pin now what are they looking for they're looking for Tremors in your eyes you don't move your head your eyes follow the light and they are looking for jerking and Tremors now that is a typical symptom of RF being exposed to RF you have Tremors I'm going to get into that but let's keep playing it are you sure you only have one beer and one sh sure cuz that's not what I'm seeing and he's not seeing it he's seeing that the guy's messed up because this guy is probably exposed to RF EF WiFi Wireless all these different frequencies 247 we are being pelted with this [ __ ] 247 365 but officer would fail to put in his report something he did see the results of a breathalyzer feeli test to detect alcohol cash blew a triple zero no alcohol detected not just once but eight times at the scene so he did eight breathalyzer tests and all blue zeros he even borrowed another guy's breathalyzer and blue zeros the officer even trying a different device borrowed from a sergeant given triple Zer yet they still decided to charge Aaron C with thei I think I'm probably about to lose my job too see that that sucks they designed these field sobriety tests back before people were exposed to this [ __ ] all the time and what was normal then is not normal anymore everybody behaves this way and I bet you that the cop uh giving the test would fail it if somebody gave it to him right now because everybody is around this crap 247 at the jail officer would called in a Jefferson police officer who was certified to use a more elaborate alcohol sensor cash blew two more times and then waited for the Jefferson cop to read the results he starts looking through the paperwork and then he looks up at me looks over at the arresting officer looks back at me says is this an effing joke and I said what do you mean he said because you blew triple zeros twice like you're not drunk I don't know why you're here even though he so you know this is happening all over now all the time and it didn't happen before this is a new phenomenon right it's brand new just in recent years this did not happen before and now you have all these people hundreds of them if you look them up on YouTube there are hundreds of them and they're happening all the time and it just goes to show you that what is normal now wasn't normal before now past 10 breast tests would still charge cash with drunk driving is doing people wrong now listen to what they say here this is another case of a woman being pulled over and she goes to jail for a DUI and did not have any drugs or alcohol in her system Tommy Rucker got a call from his niece last October that she was being charged with driving under the influence of drugs the retired cop headed to the scene I said she don't drink she don't do drugs she just left the house there were no drugs in Ashley F's car officer would determine she was impaired because he decided she failed the field test no now how did he decide that she failed the field test listen to this in his report her eyelids had Tremors eyelids had Tremors this is a typical symptom of being exposed to Too Much RF EF anything that can affect your central nervous system this is a typical symptom throughout one of the tests on January 8th her blood test results finally came back all clean no drugs and the city dropped all charges that's the problem the problem is that these people have probably lost their jobs you lose your driver's license you know while they're figuring this out you lose all kinds of things and it is the norm now now I bet if they pulled everybody over a big percentage of people would have these same Tremors and things that did not happen before that didn't happen when these field sobriety tests were invented but now it's happening because people's central nervous systems are being affected by this and it's happening everywhere here is a study of cell tower health effects and the table of contents I won't you know show you all the pages I'll just show you the table of contents okay we have uh cancer health effects cancer neurological effects effects on reproductive organs effects on well-being effects on sleep effects on cells effects on eyes oxidative stress effects on blood death effects on hormones uh genetic effects effects on glands effects on animals and environment effects on on skin effects on protein effects on immune function electromagnetic hyper sensitivity RF levels in cities effects on water RF levels from cell towers danger perception and symptoms when when you start to go over these and you start to really look it up you will see it everywhere this is why people are failing field soety tests and this information is everywhere all you have to do is search for it and you can find it so you know here's advances in human biology and here are effects of radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure on neurophysiology and it goes through everything that can happen so you know all you have to do is research it the information is there for you to find it's not even hidden you just have to look for it this is the National Library of Medicine and here is an article a big article on the possible effects of radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure on central nervous system and it goes into all types of EMF and RF having an effect on the nervous system which will cause eye Tremors balance problems with your inner ears pressure all symptoms of EMF ef ef which can have effect on your balance so when they ask you to stand on one foot or ask you to uh walk with foot in front of foot or ask you to follow the light pin with your eyes all of that is basically bunk science now because everybody is being affected by this and here is the last one I will show you these are symptoms attributed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields and I'll show you the list real quick these are alphabetically listed so we have abdominal pain anxiety appetite loss arousal decreased blood pressure increased breath less chest pain concentration difficulties crankiness daytime sleepiness digestive problems dizziness dry skin exhaustion faintness fatigue fear feebleness feeling hot forgetfulness hair loss headache head pressure heartbeat irregularity heart palpitation hormonal disorder hypers sensitivity to medication hypers sensitivity to noise intestinal trouble irregular bowel movement irritation itching skin limb pain metabolic disorder mood changes mood depression muscle cramps muscle pain nausea neck pain neuralgia then you have neurasthenia numb limbs phosphines rash restlessness skin burning skin redness skin tingling sleep disturbance stress sweating SW swollen eyes swollen joints which is what are swollen joints that's arthritis Tac cardia tenseness tiredness toothache trembling well there's your uh Tremors right there trembling uh unfeeling this Vision blurring vomiting weariness and these are just the ones listed in mainstream science so people really need to get educated the field sobriety test is complet complely irrelevant now because people are soaked in these frequencies the damage is done you know you could go out to the woods right now and it would literally take you probably you know two or 3 weeks before you really started to feel better your nervous system needs time to to heal and come back to normal so you know it is terrifying to me that people are being arrested for something that they are being exposed to every day that they are out there telling you is completely and totally safe and it isn't it totally isn't listen to what that dude said at the end of that test that they did on Wi-Fi I'll play it again and then we're out of here face studies do you have Wi-Fi in your house no i' I've been in the technology industry all my life and I've never had Wi-Fi because I just didn't feel it was right I didn't feel it was safe and my wife has been very actually forceful about not having that now you can run a longer wire it's a bit annoying so that's it for now look out for Charlie