To "hear" microwave energy, it must first be modulated so that it impinges upon the "listener"
as a pulse or a series of pulses of high amplitude. At first spurned by most microwave investigators

The capability of communicating directly with a human being by "receiverless radio" has obvious potentialities both within and without the clinic.

But the hotly debated and unresolved question of how much micro wave radiation a human being can safely be exposed to will probably forestall applications within the near future.




Electromagnetic Wave Theory
The microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum includes the emanations of radars, television, and short-wave radio..

To "hear" microwave energy, it must first be modulated so that it impinges upon the "listener"
as a pulse or a series of pulses of high amplitude. At first spurned by most microwave investigators

in the United States, the radio-frequency hearing, or Frey effect, was repeatedly dismissed as an artifact until behavioral sensitivity to low densities of

microwave energy was demonstrated in rats in an exquisitely controlled study by Nancy King (see King, Justesen, Si Clarke, 1971). Shortly after

completion of the study and its informal dissemination via the invisible college, the skeptics began to appear in appropriately equipped microwave laboratories

in the United States with requests to "listen to the microwaves."

A majority was able to "hear" the pulsed microwave energy, thereby belatedly confirming  the claims made by Frey for nearly a decade.

Given a thermody-namic interpretation, it would follow that informa-tion can be encoded in the energy and "communi-cated" to the "listener."

Communication has in fact been demonstrated. A. Guy (Note 1), a skilled telegrapher, arranged for his father, a re-tired railroad' telegrapher, to operate a key, each

closure and opening of which resulted in radiation of a pulse of microwave energy. By directing the radiations at his own head, complex messages via
the Continental Morse Code were readily received by Guy. Sharp and Grove (Note 2) found that appropriate modulation of microwave energy can

result in direct "wireless" and "receiverless" communication of speech.




SEX TERROR - OMG! & Instant Death! #TI #V2K #RNM

Horrific form of sexual terrorism, which can include creating pedophiles, incest, and terroristic personal humiliation.  


#RF Radio Frequencies Can be ANALOG, "And Digital"! With Modulation - Same as the Brain ANALOG "And Digital"!




okay there are quite a few things that I
want to talk about in this video one of
the main things that I want to speak
about is the reality that we live in
it's not just RF radio frequency EF
extremely low frequency or any number of
radio waves or sound waves that people
are affected by it's also electricity
and just because there's a power line
above you does not mean that that
electricity stays within that power line
just like a a radio wave the electricity
will use something that it's near to
charge up or Electrify it'll hop on like
an antenna almost now this guy has uh
power lines going over his property he
decided to set up an experiment and see
exactly what was going on now he
explains what he set up and how he set
it up I'm going to show that to you
right now this is the 230 KT power line
that runs along the north edge of my
property and what I got set up now I got
some Garden stakes and some metal staks
and I got some coax cable about 80 yards
of coax cable stretched out and the wire
is about four to 4 and A2 ft above the
ground and what I'm going to do is
connect the one end to a capacitor and
the other end to the ground I'm going to
charge up that uh high voltage capacitor
that is the high voltage capacitor right
there and that is his meter to show
exactly what is going on with the
capacitor so let's let him finish it's
going to go through a bridge rectifier
these are some thvt dodes the other end
is just going to go to that ground that
I set up so basically he is going to
test how much electricity is coming off
the lines in the air and electrifying
the fence that is underneath and this is
really important I have taken it and
done an edit to make it as short as
possible it's only like a minute long or
so so let's check out what happens
during this experiment because they did
say if you had an electric fence
insulated from the ground it could
charge up just by itself just from being
under these power lines and I can attest
to that because I lived near some high
voltage power lines big ones the kind
that uh follow freeways that type that
you'll see going through fields or
following a freeway way and um you could
hear them man you could hear the
discharge the corona discharge coming
off them if you were near them and they
would Electrify fences and anything
underneath sometimes you could actually
see it Arc it's pretty crazy oh test
again to see what we got there so he's
got over 300 volt right now 330 volts
right now climbing but it is significant
voltage shoe there that's a lot of
voltage Vol and it is Char this
capacitor is 88
microfarads and this is just that wire
you know it's four 4 and 1/2 ft off the
ground it takes about I think 10 Jews of
electric to kill a guy and this is
getting up over
that I'm not sure how much longer I'm
going to let this go yeah I would almost
800 volts but it's 800 Vol is a lot but
I don't know what's going to he's going
to discharge it holding on to the
plastic end of the screwdriver and
touching both ends of the capacitor with
the screwdriver kind of like a car
battery be like when I do it when it's
over 900
volts whoa now that's a lot of power to
build up on something you know and that
that's a capacitor but still you can
watch this electricity if you're near it
Arc to a fence I'll show you some of the
comments in few minutes now what is the
importance of this why am i showing this
to you because original electrical
meters had filters to block out a lot of
this dirty electricity that's what it is
dirty electricity from coming into your
home however these new smart meters do
not have these filters like they used to
so you have a lot of dirty power in your
house that shouldn't be there that was
blocked out before but now exists and
they use that they use that to monitor
appliances and they rely on that dirty
electricity field now and it's not good
for you at all and this is to show
people that it's not a a theory it
exists now what else could you do with
this let's say that there was something
passive in your computer let's say it
was a monitoring device you could
actually use the dirty electricity to
power whatever you have in the house or
in the domicile or in the area or where
wherever because electrical lines are
everywhere in our current reality this
just the way it is so think about this
and think about the possibilities that
you can do with this dirty power now a
lot of people say well there's not
enough or you can't do this or you can't
do that it's not true it all depends on
the technology how much power or what
you have going on around you let's check
out some of the comments that were left
on this video because they are pretty
cool so a lot of the oldtimers came out
and it was really cool to see older
people leaving comments it's just nice
to see people actually having real
conversations in the comment section
this guy first comment says uh more than
50 years ago when I was just a kid the
owner of a local oil field welding and
machine shop got sued in federal court
for stealing electricity from 240 kolt
power lines which passed over his
property by way of using homemade
induction coil mounted on a pole which
in turn was wired into his electrical
system and which had been powering his
business for more than 20 years already
the Court ruled that he could not be
sued for taking advantage of natural
physics that's pretty cool so with
minimal equipment you could actually
test to see if this is happening in your
area all you would need is a capacitor
and a couple other small things that you
made at home really here's another
comment as an electrician I was called
out to a site where a crew was setting
up a manufactured home under high
voltage lines the setup crew was getting
shocked every time they touched the
metal frame of the house my voltmeter
showed 110 volts ac from the frame to
the ground I put ground rods at Each
corner and wish them luck that's pretty
nuts and then it ended with uh I would
hate to be living in that house here's
another one I knew a man who was in
charge of maintaining lines like these
his crew informed him that a property
owner had installed an array of wires on
his property near the tower
they thought he was stealing electricity
management said that if he was smart
enough to capture the electricity that
they were losing he was entitled to it
so what this goes to show you is that
it's very real and it happens all the
time you just really don't hear about it
the news isn't going to tell you about
this you're not going to hear about it
from most people because most people
don't know about it I'm a fencing
contractor and I've put several fences
up under overhead power lines and
sometimes it will shock the piss out of
you touching the fence so think think
about this think about what can be done
with this you can power things that
other people wouldn't even know were
there here's a good comment the power
company there is no health safety issue
with overhead power lines same power
company hey you can't use the power from
the air that's our power that's pretty
much what it is another one I remember
back in the 70s the farmer ran lines
under power lines on his property and
the power company sued him for stealing
power the farmer won and Powers part of
his place with the electricity that it's
lost to the atmosphere so you have to
wonder why did they get rid of these
filters and why do we have these amounts
of dirty electricity in our homes now
and I can show you uh test after test
that I've done in various homes and the
the electricity in the air the
electrical fields are intense you just
have to make sure that certain things
are off because uh certain aquarium
equipment there are certain things that
put off a lot of EF in the air so you
have to make sure that those are off and
then test house and you can really see
what's going on so really you could put
something in somebody's home that ran
off this and they would never know it
all kinds of technology and no one would
know that it was there people have known
about this for you know over a hundred
years this is nothing new now I want to
talk about what I was talking about in
my last video and I want to show you a
few things that I've found since then
pretty interesting stuff pretty creepy
what I was talking about was DUI under
the influence of radio frequency people
are getting pulled p over more and more
nowadays and they're being popped for
DUI and they're not messed up they have
no drugs or alcohol in their system but
their uh eyelids are spasming they have
uh involuntary eye movement which is
called nagas they have other symptoms in
their eyes and with their motor skills
that are causing them to get
DUIs and this is being brought on by
their nervous systems being shot their
nervous systems are shot now something
crazy that I found nagas used to affect
a very very small number of people and
again that's involuntary eye movement
let's check this out real quick the
numbers are very very small especially
when you go into the past in search they
get smaller and smaller the cases of
nagas and involuntary movements nervous
system problems are rising but it's very
very hard to find the information on it
there are making it very hard to find
like let's say cases of nagas from 1977
to 2020 whatever right you can't find
that information if you can post a link
because it is very hard to find the
number of cases then to now but it used
to affect about one in 1,000 people in
the general population so let me show
you something that I found that is very
creepy here is a a questionnaire that I
online uh recently it came out in June
of 2022 and it says the impact of
covid-19 pandemic on individuals with
nagas and an exploration of public
assumptions about the condition and
electronic questionnaire study well
they're interested in it and that makes
me take pause right there because when
they're interested in something
something is going on something is going
on you can mark my words so what they
was they put out a questionnaire and the
main question was do you or anyone you
know well have nagas suddenly they're
interested in this right very very
interesting the questions were posed to
participants in a purpose-built
branching survey all right now let's go
to the results
1,645 respondents were recruited of
849 that is
51.6% answered yes to the initial
question so
51.6 either have nagas or know somebody
with nagas out of
people that is alarming 51.6% of people
surveyed either have it or know somebody
with it that is a huge huge red flag
there is something going on
people's nervous systems are being shot
when you have an aluminum buildup in the
body which is basically like putting
rabid ears on the human body and then
you have all this dirty power and then
you have all this WiFi and EF EMF and
wireless signals flying around at this
rate and then you have over half of
people either having it or knowing
somebody with it there is a godamn
problem and people need to be aware of
it man this is crazy absolutely crazy I
don't spend a lot of time on Tik Tok but
if you want to find victims you go to
Tik talkk right so I went there and I
just put in uh I searched involuntary
eye movement and there is video after
video after video and most of it is
younger people with
nagas and it's just loaded with it it's
everywhere overall we're not just
talking about nagus we're talking about
uh twitching all the nervous system
signs that somebody is impaired and just
signs in general that somebody's nervous
system is shot but they are everywhere
and they are growing and they're making
it so hard to find the growth in these
and they are getting very very tricky
with the wording now to prove to you
that this is the kind of stuff that they
look for here is a field sobriety test
review and they're looking at uh
horizontal gaze
nagas and different categories of nagas
now when you have this eye hopping eye
jerking involuntary eye movement or your
eyelids are twitching and doing things
and you're your nervous system is shot
from being around ef ef RF all this crap
all the time you you are not going to be
able to stand on one foot either your
balance is going to be messed up your
inner ears are going to be messed up
everything is going to be messed up you
have nervous system problems now from
becoming sensitized to this not to
mention the fact that you are full of
aluminum and other metals now right so
the fact that uh field sobriety tests
are even legal anymore it's insane it's
absolutely insane we are H canaries in
the coal mine and that's this is why
this is happening this whole uh
arresting people that are totally sober
is a totally new thing that didn't
happen before so pay attention to this
pay attention to how this develops
because it is really really crazy and
the best way to make people aware that
uh radio frequency and all of this EF
has an effect on the nervous system is
to show all these people who are having
these symptoms every day all the time
these smaller symptoms but very real
symptoms is showing them that it it
comes from this that it's not from their
diet or stress or Lifestyle the [ __ ]
that they lay on them every day it comes
from the very real things that they are
being exposed to
by their toys and by their electronic
lifestyle that has been thrust onto them
in this uh article from 1996 they talk
about normal human subjects versus
people with nagus normal human subjects
however now in a survey
51.6% of people either have or know
somebody with nagas so think about this
there's a problem here something is
going on and to prove my point here's a
video from Tik Tock of a younger person
nagas and this is so crazy that if they
were pulled over they would totally
think that they were on meth or speed or
some mind altering nervous system
altering drug and take them straight to
jail check it out in all my comments
this is my most frequently Asked
question so here's the answer you've
been waiting for it's called mmus mine
is involuntary so I can't control it I
can't see it that's crazy and you know
they tell these people that stress
brings it on that they need to take
vitamins you know they never ever ever
mention that you know hey that could be
from Dirty electricity or Wii or
Wireless or the numerous things that are
being put into the environment I can't
feel it it's one of the many eye
conditions that contribut that person
would go to jail 100% go to jail so
think about that that's it for now look
out for Charlie





2012 / (2011)

OBAMA Brain Initiative 2012

NDAA Legislation making targeting legal! 2012

& Five eye treaties - making experimentation & assassination legal!


Cell towers across the USA are broadcasting brain resonance frequencies to disrupt human minds, says former DARPA scientist



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