ROBERT SEPEHR SSP Disclosure & Vril Society Author

Learning from History - Slavery from a time long long ago Blasted with electricity across a part of my body Now #DEW

illegal Biological Weapon Mind invasive systems Humanity Ignoring ALL TI's warnings! A reminder to how insane they & Human Rights groups are= Electronic slavery

Humans have #Alien #DNA. It is a Modern discovery - little discussed. Also = Humans have Part #ReptilianBrain These Facts are well known, and not disputed.

It is thought that Human DNA may contain secret messages? Also capable of storing Huge amount of data... Everything

Secretary of Defense James Forrestal sent a naval task force to invade Antarctica, called “Operation Highjump”.

Over 4,500 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia consisting of three Naval battle armadas departed from 3 separate locations in 1946.

Admiral Byrd was given unlimited funding to complete the mission, which did not go as planned, as Byrd suffered massive casualties, his fleet was destroyed,

and what remained of his armada retreated from a humiliating defeat in just under 2 weeks.

Secret Underground Bases

Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony

Is there a Galactic Federation?

Thule and Mysteries of the Underground

There has been a lot of speculation regarding alleged advanced anti-gravitic technology following the second world war,

with some claiming the establishment of a secret space program based on these technological breakthroughs.

A number of German scientists were said to have been incorporated by the US through Operation Paperclip,

with a segment that may have escaped according to some accounts of the events surrounding Operation Highjump in Antarctica.

If anti-gravity and free energy technology exists, as some have claimed, then why is it being kept secret?

Could there really be a breakaway civilization that uses such advanced technology, or a secret space force, as some eyewitnesses have claimed.

And if so, how would the government go about disclosing any of this, assuming it actually wanted to?

similar to above?

Making Anthropology Great Again - ROBERT SEPEHR

53,274 views Premiered Mar 9, 2020 Archaeoastronomy is the study of how ancient people related the Sun, Moon, and stars to events on Earth.

For many millennia, ancient civilizations have been tracking cyclical arrangements in the sky, noticing that certain events corresponded to the repeating patterns

they observed above them made by celestial bodies, which they considered gods. European Pre-History and the Oera Linda Book

Astrotheology is the study of the astronomical influence on religion. While the influence of the stars on ancient Egypt has been known for over a century,

this understanding in places like Hattusa,, the ancient Anatolian capital city of the Hittite empire, is just coming to light this decade. Collective Amnesia and the Diffusion of Civilization

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