James Clerk Maxwell Elec Mag TV PC Radio Phone! Physicist

Plus Much more ... ETC..

1894 in India 1st Communications using electromagnetic waves with out wires.

To ALL NON Targeted Individuals #TI - If you have given up Humanity & ALL Human Rights for Technology

Then you can Only expect to become a part of it. GT.

Praying For Help & STOP Evil Crime #PRAYER #CAMPAIGN PLEASE #pray NOW for 20 mins (or what can) 4 freedom of civilians tortured !

#DirectedEnergyWeapons #MindControl tech aka #TargetedIndividuals #TI pls help!! &4 Humanity! Just read aloud . .


Radio waves were not invented, they are part of the elecromagnetic spectrum, they were simply "harnessed" for the uses they have today.

Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of radio waves in the late 1880s.

Four Ways to transmit:-    

1894 in India 1st Communications using electromagnetic waves with out wires.