MK ULTRA Child Women Sexual Abuse History





Medically Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials and Sex Abuse – The History of the CIA Project MK-ULTRA


CIA Project MK-ULTRA the CIA began thousands of experiments using both American and foreign subjects often without their knowledge or against their will, destroying countless tens of thousands of lives and causing many deaths and suicides.  80 institutions that included about 50 of America’s best-known colleges and universities, 15 or 20 major research Foundations including Rockefeller, dozens of major hospitals, a great many prisons and mental institutions, and many chemical and pharmaceutical companies.

Frank Olson Project  was a scientist who had been working on the CIA’s MK-ULTRA Project

He became increasingly vocal in his criticisms of these projects, and it was this that sealed his fate.

CIA director Allan Dulles decided Olson was a dangerous whistleblower and a security risk. At that point, Olson resigned his job, and a few days later he was dead.

Unit 731

It isn’t widely known but, as part of Operation Paperclip, the CIA recruited for MK-ULTRA Shiro Ishii, the head of Japan’s Unit 731 which conducted some of the most horrendous human atrocities in history, including the live vivisection of children.

It is for this reason almost no Japanese faced trial for their crimes: they were all in America, contributing their skills to MK-ULTRA.

The Stanford Research Institute

One of SRI’s past activities involved contracts awarded by the CIA and the US Navy to research and develop long-distance

mind control using radio waves. The CIA had already funded MK-ULTRA projects at Honeywell

for “a method to penetrate inside a man’s mind and control his brain waves over long distance”.

In the 1960s, then-Director of the CIA, Richard Helms,

was excited about what was termed “biological radio communication”,

and the Washington Post published concrete evidence that electronic mind control was a major object of study at SRI at the time.

The theory was that extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves from the brain could be used to control individual subjects,

sometimes called “empaths”, a great many of whom (inexplicably) were drawn from L. Ron Hubbard‘s Church of Scientology.

“Stargate Research”

Experiments also under the SRI, American Institutes of Research (AIR) in Washington was also involved in researching and evaluating what was called “remote viewing” or the potential use of psychic phenomena (ESP) in military and domestic applications.

MK-Programs Leadership and Scope

under the direct command of a Dr. Sidney Gottlieb experiments on human subjects

at hundreds of locations across the United States, Canada and Europe,

the eventual budget for this program apparently having exceeded $1 billion per year.

The evil in some of these MK-ULTRA documents is almost palpable,

one such document from 1955 stating openly of a search for

“substances which will cause (temporary or) permanent brain damage as well as loss of memory”.

Part of the intent was to develop

“techniques that would crush the human psyche to the point that it would admit anything”.

In a US government memo from 1952, a program director asked,

“Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will

and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?”

It also listed the wide range of horrid abuses to which the victims would be subjected.

These people were not bashful about their intent.

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb

The mechanics included primordial sex programming for women in attempts to eliminate learned moral convictions

and stimulate primitive sexual instinct devoid of inhibitions, to create a kind of sex machine

– the ultimate prostitute for diplomatic espionage.

Several researchers have claimed the sexual appetite of these women

was developed in young girls their formative years through constant incest with a government employee

who had been deliberately developed as a father figure to the girls.

In part, these programs involved conditioning the human mind through torture,

with one portion of this program intended to train special agents as fearless terrorists lacking self-preservation

instincts and who would willingly commit suicide if caught.

They even experimented with electronic implants, inaudible sounds, messages embedded in the subconscious mind,

mind altering drugs and much more.

One portion of this extensive operation involved an attempt to create an assassins program,

to learn if it were possible to kidnap a national in another country, conduct hypnosis and other techniques,

then return them home to assassinate their leaders.

Dr. John Gittinger

was Sidney Gottlieb’s protégé Gittinger was so successful the CIA built him a special party room walled with one-way mirrors where CIA psychologists could watch these compromised people at work. Gittinger was apparently a “specialist” at making his victims lose touch with external reality, no doubt in conjunction with Gottlieb’s LSD.

Perfect assassins. Gittinger applied his “personality” tests to at least 30,000 people, since he had files on at least that many,

so this was not a trivial exercise for the CIA.   He worked closely with Harris Isbell, who ran the MKULTRA mind-control drug program

at the Lexington, Kentucky detention hospital, who would send him hundreds of people

who could be pushed to “uncontrollable urges”, especially of a sexual or a murderous nature. Or both.

This was one main use of the party room with the one-way mirrors.

Ironically, it was Gittinger who inadvertently put the wheels in motion for the impeachment and resignation

of then-US President Richard Nixon.

Another portion of this same program designed to control individuals totally,

“I was sent to deal with the most negative aspects of the human condition. It was planned destructiveness.

First, you’d check to see if you could destroy a man’s marriage.

If you could, then that would be enough to put a lot of stress on the individual, to break him down.

Then you might start a minor rumor campaign against him. Harass him constantly. Bump his car in traffic.

A lot of it is ridiculous, but it may have a cumulative effect.”

The theory, according to Gittinger’s personality tests, was that the creation of sufficient stress from destructive personal loss,

combined with other programming including the application of psycho-chemical drugs,

would either turn an enemy or render him totally neutralised.

The CIA did all of these not only in America, but around the world, using Gittinger’s personality profiles

to identify those military and other leaders in nations the US wanted to control. The psychological testing,

combined with all the other dirty tricks of the trade, and certainly including the nurses, housewives and models

who could be persuaded to develop “uncontrollable urges” to “volunteer her body for her country”,

greatly assisted the US government in placing into power those who could be counted on to obey their colonial master.

South Korea and Japan are two good examples of this, as are many countries in Latin America.

The CIA, with the immense assistance of Gottlieb and Gittinger, could always spot those “who were most likely to succumb”.

Dr. Louis Jolyon West

There are documented stories by a few survivors who tell of enormous abuse of every kind being inflicted upon them

from four or five years of age, and of having to deal with the terror of what appeared to be

many different people living inside their minds.

Dr. Jolyon West became a kind of research expert in these dissociative states

and much of his work for the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program centered on their creation.

The records reveal success in creating amnesia, false memories, altered personas, pseudo-identities, and much more,

all horrifying and tragic to the individuals involved, all from West’s research in methods to

“disrupt the normally integrative functions of personality”, and render people totally subject to remote control.


This research into electrode implants was funded by the CIA and MKULTRA in conjunction with the Office of US Naval Research,

and mostly supervised by our famous Dr. West.

In fact, West began what was called the “UCLA Violence Project” at the Vacaville Prison

where Donald Defreeze was apparently programmed.

Dr. Harold Wolff

He rather chillingly, wrote,

“Where any of the studies involve potential harm of the subject, we expect the Agency

to make available suitable subjects and a proper place for the performance of the necessary experiments.”

Among the many other prominent universities and institutions participating in this travesty was Tulane University

where both the CIA and the US military had funded what appeared to be very large-scale programs

of trauma-based mind control experiments on children.

In 1955, the US Army reported on studies in which their researchers had implanted electrodes

into the brains of mental patients to assess the effects of LSD and a host of other untested drugs.

It was at Tulane that some of the earliest sensory-deprivation experiments were conducted,

isolating individuals in these chambers where they would be helplessly hallucinating for as long as one week at a time

while being injected with drugs and bombarded them with taped messages, to see if individuals could be “converted to new beliefs”.

These were all helpless victims who had no idea of what was happening to them.

There is a long list of other famous American universities and hospitals that participated in similar human destruction,

all of which have carefully sanitized their histories.

Philip J. Hilts


Dissociative Personality Disorder

An Army of Sexually Abused Children Hidden by the Feds

Dr. John Gittinger

Dr. Louis Jolyon West


Dr. Harold Wolff

Philip J. Hilts

Dissociative Personality Disorder

An Army of Sexually Abused Children Hidden by the Feds

George Estabrooks

Dr. Karl Pribram

Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado


John Cunningham Lilly

John Mulholland - CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception

Gottlieb’s Chamber of Horrors

Sirhan Sirhan and Theodore Kaczynski

Patty Hearst

Jim Jones — The People of the Temple

“Zebra Murderers”

MK-ULTRA Victims

Claudia Mullen Testimony

Karen Wiltshire

Carol Rutz  “One of my child [alternate personalities] was trained sexually in order to compromise men of power so they could be blackmailed at a later date.”

The Story of Candy Jones

The CIA’s Holocaust of Small Children – and Canada’s Crime of the Century

The Sleep Room’s Missing Memories

The Outsourcing of Child Sexual Abuse

The Death of Harold Blauer

The Life and Death of Frank Olson


Stanley Glickman

The Secret of Pont-Saint-Esprit

In 1951, almost the entire population of the town of Pont-Saint-Esprit in Southern France was driven to mass hysteria and insanity, hallucinations and suicide.

Americans Once Again Facing Their Crimes

Sidney Gottlieb 

It was Gottlieb, working with Defense Secretary Robert McNamara,

who helped to conceive and execute the massive torture and human experimentation program in Vietnam known as Phoenix Program[108] and his genocidal

“Project 100,000”,[109] with teams of CIA operatives performing

a wide range of Gottlieb’s torture and other experiments followed by executions.


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