AKA MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate

Parasites. Especially true if Accessing Human Minds! The warning for Humanity & Universe = Mind Control VIP'S !

Requires Checks and Balances by the Mass Population - If that is or has been removed by over compliance more fool us - Mass Population. #TI

#TI - Are being Attacked by #emf
Humanity Knows - But far from confronting the Mega Issue - Selects in fear to ignore it ALL!
When the tables are turned on the Mass Population as they surely & slowly are It will be seen as their biggest mistake in the History of Mankind. #NWO

Lft Image By Cesarleal - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9952197

#Mindcontrol / Domino Effect Should NOT be under estimated- #VIP'S

NATO does Not:- "cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.”

The Fact is the War with Iraq with mind control

Could have been done from the inside...

AKA MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate

According to Lexico, Washington Post, and Cambridge English Dictionary, Term Manchurian Candidate refers to a person who is

disloyal to their own country or who harms their own country or political parties because they are under the influence of another party or country.

A Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power.

The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional.

Manchurian Candidate conspiracy involves individuals who are brainwashed by Big government to commit an assassination.

Some believe that Lee Harvey Oswald and Mark David Chapman might have been Manchurian Candidates in the killings of John F. Kennedy and John Lennon

"cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.”

Perfecting #emf targeting systems - like the last 77 years... The Secret Silent war - carries on... #TI'S & VIP'S? 

Infiltration that is impossible to detect? Or just do not want to?

Ignoring this will not make it go away especially for the public.
