House Socket with surveillance Room inside
The Lilly wave is the mind control frequency going though your house hold wiring!
The National Grid is being used as a Weapons system! Not just #5G . The National Grid - has a small black box that makes it so! It converts the frequency in to the LILLY WAVE!
- Installed by Secret Services! John Lilly is famous for the ability to talk directly to the minds of Dolphins And 95% Sure he was involved with MK ULTRA!
Mass Mind Control" or any part of...thoughts sound and vision +++ So you mind is a receiver like any modern appliance Radio TV smart phone etc, >>
That is only a sound frequency program that carries the signal. So any freq appliance can carry the program.. Kingsman the movie shows this like a switch..
The John Lilly Wave is proof and of evil intent. It is in fact in your house right now...running though your emf wiring and sockets...and can be checked by is confirmed here....
I have a page called Fact not fiction that includes the Pied Piper so all it takes is sound at the correct frequency - Thank you for seeking confirmation...
My heading says Shut it all down perhaps you may agree with me - until sanity and faith is restored in our SS Secret Service who installed it and Gov...
14:15 here I've talked on this program about the so-called lily wave before now the lily wave is a certain electromagnetic frequency and I don't know if you know
The Lilly wave is so powerful that millions of people can simultaneously be brought to their knees in a single flick of a switch!
The Lilly Wave, Mind Control Frequency WARNING No human being on this planet is capable of being FREE of the Lilly Wave’s impact upon them! The Lilly wave is so powerful that millions of people can simultaneously be brought to their knees in a single flick of a switch! Among other emotional and or mind controls! - There is no safe ground - there is no safe place! - We are in the hands of people who do not particularly care about the value - of human life happiness integrity or anything else! We all know about cell phone towers we know about the Glen towers you know about satellite applications of electromagnetic fields we know about the HARP program to pump up into the ionosphere tremendous amounts of electronic energy and then use that to beam back down specific and selected frequencies which can affect small groups or large groups of people's and populations but there's
another main platform a main venue that these kinds of frequencies are actually placed into the human mind at very close range and it's called the power grid. Lilly wave is basically it's a waveform that enables you to bypass the resistance of the human mind and program the brain and you can transmit theories and transmit any emotion any kind of information you want on the Lilly wave and basically Adam had
discovered that they're using it through the power grid and
subsequently I've been all over the country all over the world and measured these things and apparently there are black boxes in the power companies that produce the Lilly wave and and they're associated with you know homeland security or whatever and basically these devices are ultrasonic wave form pulses riding on top of regular 60 Hertz wave and and they are mind control waves and they're coming into everybody's house so the Lilly wave basically disarms the brain's ability to discern and decide it just puts it in a neutral state where things just flow right in! Help #Targeted Individuals
Research #Remote Neural Monitoring
It is all an underrated terrible fact that John Lilly created the Lilly wave and the work he did with animals was questionable. He is well known for his work with Dolphins but not so much for his earlier work for governments. In 1951 he published a paper showing how he could display patterns of brain electrical activity on a cathode ray display screen using electrodes he devised specially for insertion into a living brain. (Just on animals or also on humans?) He may never have used any humans for experiments, except himself and a research colleague. So he found the frequency that Tesla knew someone would.
As already mentioned his later work may surprise us by offering an understanding and solution to this access to the mind. I want to stop all “electronic Harassment” (not to defend him). So I recommend researching all his work.
How can #TI’s interrupt that signal?
ALSO when are people going to really understand the following? “The Lilly Wave is delivered via the "National Grid" via A "Black Box" associated with "security companies". So when the F...... will Someone take and run with this issue all the way to questioning and accusing governments and all the local National home electrical supply Companies? RIP THE BOX OUT! My targeting symptoms are positively worse when near domestic power. It helps to switch it off at night etc.. Please read meme:-
Lilly Wave Mind Control Broadcasted in Homes Wall AC DC Outlets
Electrical specialist question...that seem Sorry unfair... The John Lilly Lilly wave converts House wiring into mind controlling frequency.
This is known to have been installed as a small Black Box within the National Grid by the Secret Services.
1) Can you confirm / prove your present UK supply is in fact showing the "Lilly Wave"..?.
I am presently not sure what frequency that is. That seals evil intent that anyone would use it.
2) How do you think that Land based emf supply assists interacts combines with Cell Gwen towers / Satellites?
The question I think helps to emphasize the issue.
3) Being away from any emf supply would seem to be best. > Then you could disconnect from the N. Grid
and Use Solar panels and be free of the Lilly wave frequency... Then their may be no point with 5G....
That raises the question of Testing and Proving 5G is also using "The Lilly Wave Frequency"? - It already has been.
Thank you D for any response to a complex issue.
HAARP, GWEN, WI-FI, Cell Phone towers all of them can carry the Lily Wave.
The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the mind’s subconscious defense systems. It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. It can be used to transmit mind control via ultrasonic (1 10 MHz) and electromagnetic wavelengths (600m to 1e-15m).
Electromagnetic wavelengths transmit long/short/FM wavelength radio waves and TV/telephone/wireless signals or energies. They are also responsible for transmitting energy in the form of microwaves, infrared radiation (IR), visible light (VIS), ultraviolet light (UV), X-rays, and gamma rays. (1996) The Lilly wave can be neutralized via pink or white noise generators connecting to the non-voltage A/C ground and neutral of home power grids.
The goal was to find an electric current waveform with which animals could be stimulated through implanted electrodes for several hours per day for several months without causing irreversible changes in threshold by the passage of current through the tissue.
Many waveforms, including 60-cps. sine-wave current could apparently be used safely for these limited schedules of stimulation. They could not be used for the intensive, long-term schedule of chronic stimulation. An electric current passed through the brain can cause at least two distinct types of injury: thermal and electrolytic.
The technical problem in chronic brain stimulation is to stay above the excitatory threshold and below the injury threshold in the neuronal system under consideration. This result can be achieved most easily by the proper choice of waveforms and their time courses, and less easily by the choice of the range of repetition frequencies and train durations.
The previous waveforms used in neurophysiology and in neurosurgery injured the neurons when the unidirectional current passed through the brain. Dr. Lilly developed a new electrical waveform to balance the current, first in one direction and then, after a brief interval, in the other. Thus ions moving in the neurons would first be pushed one way and then quickly the other way, stimulating the neurons and leaving the ions in their former positions within the neurons. This new waveform was called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair, or the Lilly Wave. Microscopic studies of brains stimulated with this balanced pulse pair showed that there was no injury of the neuronal networks from this kind Waveform of stimulating current, pulse pairs of current resulting from quasi-differentiation, with passive electrical elements, of a rectangular pulse. Measured at 2 percent of the peak, the duration of the positive pulse (upward) is 34 sec, and the duration of the negative pulse (downward) is 28 sec. stimulation.
Further Study
The 5G Zion Manipulation Platform And How It Works
Cloud Based Internet System Is Backdoored By Israel
Biological Attack on the Populations
Psychological Attack on the Populations
Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee
John C. Lilly, on Levels of Consciousness, 1971
John C. Lilly – ECCO
The Scientist: John C. Lilly
Lilly Wave Mind Control Broadcasted in Homes Wall AC DC Outlets
The Lilly Wave
Scalar and psychoenergetics
Currently Deployed Psychotronic Mind-Control Technologies
Plan to Sedate the Populations and Microwave Technology
The Pineal Gland, Electromagnetic Fields, ELF And Chemistry
Behaviour Change
Mental Health PLEASE, Research: The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair invented by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the mind’s subconscious defense systems. It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. It can be used to transmit mind control via ultrasonic (1 – 10MHz) and electromagnetic wavelengths (600m to 1e-15m). •Electromagnetic wavelengths transmit long/short/FM wavelength radio waves, and TV/telephone/wireless signals or energies. They are also responsible for transmitting energy in the form of microwaves, infrared radiation (IR), visible light (VIS), ultraviolet light (UV), X-rays, and gamma rays (1996) • The Lilly wave can be neutralized via pink or white noise generators connecting to the non-voltage A/C ground and neutral of the homes power grid.
There was a time! Animals Talked! "But if their Creator created them with the ability, who are we to disbelieve it? And on that note, I’m going to make a very potentially astounding
statement: animals, in their original state, could talk! Travel with me to the Book of Genesis if you will." ! - IMHO - That time is already returning
- I give you the Talking in English #Dolphin! - That is the same frequency that talks to human minds via #V2K! #TI Targeted Individuals. Ref Mr. Lilly Wave!
Thank you How would you like to TALK to your Pet? - Call me! NO! NO! Call MR LILLY! - And you think I am kidding! NO - Only truth here please! Now People have to research!
And #RNM L/O/L .... Truth is stranger... This is not just a story - it is abuse.
A 1960's NASA-funded research project with the goal of speaking to dolphins goes horribly wrong.
The Scientist: John C. Lilly
an attempt to write an owner's manual to the brain: a guidebook on voluntary neuroplasticity
and modifying your own internal wiring. Obviously not the final word but a worthy
effort and far ahead of its time (in the West at least).
Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer: Theory and Experiments Paperback – May 27, 1987
The personal papers of the neurophysiologist John C. Lilly at Stanford University hold a classified paper he wrote in the late 1950s on the behavioural modification and control of ‘human agents’.
The paper provides an unnerving prognosis of the future application of Lilly’s research,
then being carried out at the National Institute of Mental Health.
Lilly claimed that the use of sensory isolation, electrostimulation of the brain, and the recording and mapping of brain activity could be used to gain ‘push-button’ control over motivation and behaviour. This research, wrote Lilly, could eventually lead to ‘master-slave controls directly of one brain over another’.
The paper is an explicit example of Lilly’s preparedness to align his research towards Cold War military aims. It is not, however, the research for which Lilly is best known. During the 1960s and 1970s, Lilly developed cult status as a far-out guru of consciousness exploration, promoting the use of psychedelics and sensory isolation tanks.
HOPE = Lilly argued that, rather than being used as tools of brainwashing, these techniques could be employed by the individual to regain control of their own mind and retain a sense of agency over their thoughts and actions.
This article examines the scientific, intellectual, and cultural relationship between the sciences of brainwashing and psychedelic mind alteration. Through an analysis of Lilly’s autobiographical writings, I also show how paranoid ideas about brainwashing and mind control provide an important lens for understanding the trajectory of Lilly’s research.
Dr. Lilly stated that the potential of this technique in “brain-washing” or interrogation or in the field of controlling the actions of humans and animals is almost limitless’
10. In his memoirs, Lilly wrote that a company called the Sandia Corporation developed a technique based on his research, which involved steering a mule across a mountain range using a sun compass:
‘The sun compass was hooked to the brain electrodes so that if the mule deviated from his course he was punished, and if he remained on course he was rewarded....The mule could
also be radio controlled from a distance to change his course’ (Lilly, 1978: 96–7).
11. Lilly, ‘Motivation Control With Electrical Brain Stimulation of Non-Human Species: Communication With Individuals and Use as Agents (Applied Research on Military and
Extra-Terrestrial Implications)’, Lilly Papers, Box 29, Folder 7.
12. Lilly, ‘Special Considerations of Modified Human Agents as Reconnaissance and Intelligence Devices (Committee D, Intelligence and Reconnaissance)’, Lilly Papers, Box 54, Folder 17.
Exactly when and where this paper was delivered is unclear. In his paper on human manip-ulation, Lilly implies that both papers were presented at the same place or at connected events:
‘In the following discussion I wish to mention a few human cases; a later supplement will mention certain non-human species as possible agents.’ It is likely that this work or similar >>>>>>>>>>>
was presented at the Pentagon meeting discussed in Lilly’s memoirs (Lilly, 1997: 93–5). According to a former intelligence official’s description of this meeting ‘Dr. Lilly stated that the potential of this technique in “brain-washing” or interrogation or in the field of controlling the actions of humans and animals is almost limitless’
Dr. Patrick Flanagan: "we're electrical first, and chemical second and the scientists who are behind this effort to control people have decoded much if not all of the viable, valuable parts of the human emotion spectrum. The emotional spectrum is known in terms of hertz, megahertz and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation and frequencies and can be programmed.
Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons ⇝ Dr. Patrick Flanagan
ABOUT Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan: "Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone in 1958. It is an electronic nervous system excitation device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the brain, for which he received U.S. Patent no.3,393,279 in 1968. The invention earned him a profile in Life magazine, which called him a "unique, mature and inquisitive scientist". Flanagan has continued to develop the neurophone and it is currently being sold as an aid to speed learning.
"If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it... In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons ... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind." Edward Bernays
May be the same - deleting videos so fast = 2nd option/ more info
"The Scientist, by John Lilly (expanded edition: Ronin, 1988).
Bizarre — Lilly is an ex-“brainwashing” specialist who claims to be in contact with aliens.
Is he controlled or controlling?" !!!
[48]. Interestingly, Lilly has come out of the closet as a sort of proto-Strieber; The Scientist recounts his close interaction with alien
(though not necessarily extraterrestrial) forces which he labels “solid state entities.”
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