Note this  Number 4 in an 8 part series! - View all...?

Same as above j-peg

Have a look at this 8 x video parts linking back to CIA documents.. BY Electric specialists... " I have experience with is within UHF and that includes satellite 06:01 communications which I guess is in that 1516 to 1700 range I think somewhere in that range as far as or 1.5 1.6 1.7 gigahertz there's different slices within that range okay that covers that then you have personnel radio services personal recusing personal radio services including Wi-Fi bluetooth if you're talking about 2.4 and 2.5 gigahertz which Woody Cove in a twenty four hundred twenty five hundred megahertz and you got your walkie talkies cordless phones tons of things in this band basically okay so you know what this translates to is nearly everything you touch every day that has a wireless signal is UHF it's an important thing to remember we're discussing this over overall theme because remember what they were dealing with here they're talking about space-time manipulation creating manipulations of time creating perception you know manipulation and ultimately mind control and they were trying to study how these things are not only useful for weather modification but also for mind control okay so now we need to also discuss cybernetics and hive mind because these things tie together because ultimately when you're talking about a MASS POPULATION mind control system you would want to exploit what's called cybernetics or a HIVE mind or the collective consciousness or the collective intelligence so the way to look at this too is that you know within that collective consciousness really it's a it's sort of like a network with nodes and it's exactly the same way that other computer network nodes are in fact most technologies the more you drill these issues down and you started discussing the more esoteric and hidden things regarding human consciousness you really break it down to realize that technology isn't an evolution so much as 07:44 its devolution! (DEVOLUTION IS THE STATUTORY DELEGATION OF POWERS FROM THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT) all I can do is mirror the way humans already interact with one another on an energetic level we have spheres of influence okay that's what the collective consciousness and collective intelligence is but there is a network map involved meaning there are nodes that pass along messages to other nodes and pass along messages to other nodes and it just it works like a tributary system and rivers and lakes and oceans okay that's cybernetics and hive mind and so in order to master this realm you would have to have all the critical data points to understand how energetics work how these people how people's energetic influences affect one another and that would involve very specific DNA RNA data and also having a master of the domain over radio frequency every single part part of our human body interacts with frequency from the top down you can find ILF UHF they all play a part 08:36 whether it be telepathic communications whether it be behavior modifications whether it be light frequency and how you perceive light all of these things fall within the spectrum #TI #MassMindControl #HiveMinds #V2K #RNM Capabilities and Frequency Specifications !

Controlled Offensive Behavior (DIA Report) - Part 2 - Telepathy & Ultra High Frequency





Targeted individuals who know who perps are...


Stop alien mind control collaboration Alien’s / Human deal Nwo TI’s






THE #DRACO/#REPTILIAN THE COUNCIL OF 13 = Ruling #Illuminati families Who CONTROL

The #Committeeof300, Council on Foreign Relations #Bilderbergers, #TrilateralCommission #ClubofRome, Royal Institute for International Affairs Mafia, #CIA, #NSA, Mossad, #SecretServices,

International Monetary Fund Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, Interpol.

Every American is a target in the CIA’s domestic espionage war whether they know it or not. The bullets are digital and only a key stroke away from being fired at you. The CIA that Control the World (MJ12!) The CIA has positioned itself to be a higher authority than Congress, the President, or We the People and can act in secrecy in all of its affairs. In retaliation against the NSA, the CIA chose Edward Snowden, who was working for the CIA through Booz Allen Hamilton, to release stolen NSA documents that proved the NSA was illegally spying on Americans through computers, phones, and many other electronic devices. NSA spies on every American and even has a file for every person in America extracted principally from the Internet, Google, Facebook (all social media), every PC, phones, and bank accounts among other sources. Snowden’s “leaks” have become the bane of the NSA who now has to admit they certainly do spy on Americans because Obama expanded the NDAA to include Americans as warfare combatants. The GB-CIA created many of the largest global pedophile rings online, which was recently admitted in the news by the CIA. It also created the largest human sex trafficking market using U.S. charities that place refugees in America as one of their many sources. The drug trafficking of the GB-CIA is very well known from the Iran-Contra scandal to the protected fields of poppies in Afghanistan. Drugs, sex, money, power, control and evil are the currencies of the GB-CIA that “buy” their operatives for life. The only way to win America back for Americans is to confront the CIA and the corporate intelligence networks and close them down.
The government cover-up finally exposed! MJ-12 Documents Manual refers to an elite TOP SECRET military group called into action by United States presidential order to investigate and conceal real alien and UFO encounters.
The Reptilian Aliens and the Council of the 13 ‘Royal’ Families. The leader of the Earths #Illuminati is called the “Pindar“. The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for “Pinnacle of the Draco”, also known as the “Penis of the Dragon”. Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. 




Latin meaning of Government: MIND CONTROL

An evolution of a government that started in the Garden of Eden

once you understand this and once you've taken hold of this nothing that's happening

in the world today will Surprise you or scare you because you'll understand it

the Bible says you'll know the truth and "the truth will set you free"

from the very beginning in the garden there was this twin paradigm Cain and Abel well Cain

killed his brother Abel it's kind of interesting because the whole system

that were in is cannibalistic it's the serpent eating its own tail

right now let's call the oralists and the serpent eating its own tail

represents the system that we live in it literally is vampiric and when

Cain killed Abel it was a manifestation of the government that was established.


Satan Impregnated Eve and So Did Adam - Cain and Abel Were Twins!

"To put it into yet simpler terms, identical twins are two babiesfrom one fertilization, while fraternal twins are two babies from two fertilization."

I believe this is the Original Hebrew version - a comment made -  "cain ate able -

and these beins openly admit thats there bloodline! - and yes the fallen!

have bein messin with our d.n.a from the start!

Having twins from two different fathers is known as heteropaternal superfecundation. 

Cain and Abel were twins of two different fathers. 

Cain was the child of Satan (the (Devil) serpent / nâchâsh) and Abel was the child of Adam.

Genesis it said now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he

06:36 said unto the woman so the serpent which is called an Akash and it's called in a cause because of the hissing sound it

makes when it speaks it's not a snake it is a it's "an upright humanoid fallen angel " or I should say human it's an
upright fallen angel serpent mean that's talking to eat and it makes a hissing 07:00 town when it speaks and when it says
that he said to the woman the word for woman is adulterous

Eve conceived with the serpent she also conceived with Adam

so at the very beginning of humanity Satan's government was established by the intersection of the very first two cells which was the seed of the Serpent
and the seed of the woman and that began this whole government where everybody on planet Earth would be their own worst
enemy they would have a duality of mind they would do good they would do that they would do right
and wrong light and dark right side up and upside down

Satan's government was established by the intersection of the very first two cells

which was the seed of the Serpent

and the seed of the woman and that began this whole government

where everybody on planet Earth would be their own worst

enemy they would have a duality of mind they would do good they would

do that they would do right and wrong light and

dark right side up and upside down

when two selves intersect they come  09:09 towards each other

and then they intersect and the intersection of those

two cells makes that thing that looks like a football or an all c9 it's called a Venn diagram

it's also called the all-seeing eye

the whole system is cannibalistic one kills the other and that's what Satan feeds

off that is his source of energy gods were Satan gets his energy from souls

because we know by the Bible

those towers were purposely built in order to be destroyed in order to make a public Proclamation

at the end of the world that Singh has achieved the new host body because the

two were destroyed and in their place a new tower was built and that tower that

was built is called a one-world Freedom Tower

the Washington Monument and in the very center of this is a circle with a with
an X if you look straight down from below because we have the obelisk in the
dead center which represents the penis of Osiris

“The Fourth Amendment is clear; we should be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects, and all warrants must have probable cause.

Today the government operates largely in secret, while seeking to know everything about our private lives - without probable cause and without a warrant.

“The government does not need to know more about what we are doing. We need to know more about what the government is doing.

“We should be thankful for individuals like Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald who see injustice being carried out by their own government

and speak out, despite the risk. They have done a great service to the American people by exposing the truth about what our government is doing in secret.”

Conspiracy Theories:- As time passes by, some - Or Many theories turn out to be actually true thanks to the evidence from very brave whistleblowers, responsible politicians, and investigative journalists. With documents and testimonials. What this does prove especially in 2021 is that we must be open minded and question everything. That the governments are beyond evil. They and there Organisations kill and cannot be trusted. That the implimentation of the New World Order and depopulation is happening.

LIST.... To Lead you to the TRUTH!

Government Technology to Read Your Thoughts and Implant New Ones

The EMF emissions from the brain can be decoded into current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain. It sends complicated codes and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the brain, thus generating sounds and visual images in the neural circuits. With its speech, auditory and visual communication systems, RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain to brain link or a brain-to-computer link.

Shadow Government How The Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You PDF Drive
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