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"They will robotize our society" Kieron Lee Perrin Statement.
Kieron Lee Perrin Says Wake Up!
Kieron Lee Perrin - On mind control and his Implant evidence
I met and chatted with Kieron Lee Perrin at Probe conference a while back, I found his story incredible, and he presents the evidence and explains his ongoing targeting with intelligence and bravery.
we're at the March 2017 probe international conference and you just given a talker a very serious subject with very sinister and on the testers yeah and everything
else yeah to care to expand yeah well the speech was entitled the targeted individual phenomena but I would say predominantly I concentrated more on the mind-control element
and the fact that people are being implanted too with technology and the implications for all of those concerning this particularly given that were being sprayed with nanobots
which were all inhaling and ingesting Vyra some things didn't mention as well is not just via being spray there's enough food it's in our medicines and it's anyway then get it into us
they're getting it into it and we have to ask the question why but if people don't know they're not aware they're not able to ask the question why so that's what we're trying to do
wake people up to the fact of what's going on for the start to ask the question why and what we're you know strong evidence to you yeah well a doctor told me what was wrong
with me initially but I had no idea I just knew something was wrong but predominantly I put it down to my wisdom teeth impacted wisdom teeth because the main implants are
here they're actually attached to the backs of my upper jaw and when my wisdom teeth started coming through there was no room for them to grow so why was an absolute agony
and me the swelling at the back of my mouth was in the ordinate and private dentists were having fits saying I want to treat you but I can't this is too serious you need
hospital treatment so they were referring me and the hospitals were turning me away but the other dentists kept sending me back so I went back and I met a consultant to
examine me and immediately step back he knew what he was looking at went away came back as it unliked you used to meet another doctor will you come with me so I went to
a completely different part of the hospital sat in a private examination room and I'd have to say with hindsight an amazing man came in and told me what was wrong with me he
told me straight my problem was not my teeth that I didn't I've been implanted with technology and that this must have been done during a surgical procedure under general anaesthetic
it would be impossible otherwise so he questioned me on when and where it might have happened and I'd forgotten I'd had an operation in a hospital when I was a teenager and
he said you've had major dental surgery I said yes twice I said no wonder you don't like dentists you're a t27 and I'm like what you've had technology implanted inside of your person
we went on to find now as I've mentioned in another speech you gave because I had a friend who worked for there Allen lists tales in the medical research field he was to establish
that t27 biomedical implants were openly for sale on the Internet of the use in non-human free-roaming primates so essentially the technology is there for anybody to to read up on
to learn even though the authorities did denying and it has been for a very long time but of course scuse me not for use in humans I'm not the only exception to that rule well I
know who facilitated it but I've got to say no ultimately to that question but I doubt sincerely doubt that any organization could be behind this other than the military the intelligence
services absolutely no way that I believe a private organization could have done this to me there's other aspects involved I mean when the newspapers interviewed me for instance I
I explained to them that the person I was closest to when I was younger that I looked up to the most was my uncle my uncle was a soldier he was in rimi
Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers spent a lot of time in the Arctic Circle and of course in that field at that time would have known all about this he disappeared when I was 15
has never been seen again you know we talked about triggering as well because that's a big part of being a TI and how we're controlled via the security services a network of operatives
and people that they use and I remember turning round to him and saying I'm going in the Marines and it's just the way he looked at me he turned around and he looked at me and said
no you're not there Kevin Foley you were not going in the Marines and I'm thinking hmm what does he mean by that then of course I grow up to find out that I'm implanted from head
to foot with military technology however I again that's just to sort like emphasize that this confusion there's gray areas because I personally don't believe it was him involved but that's
something that the newspapers were very very interested in I think it's far more likely if he's got any connection to it they disappeared because of it because he's somebody that could
have helped me and in fact I've had a conversation with a retired military microwave weapons expert and I explained this to him about my uncle I said it's not only that I said throughout
my life since this kick kick started which was in my 30s really they've used his voice to counsel me yeah and that of others as well and this is something which yeah even famous people
I've spoken to who knows you yeah political figures and negotiating situations they put me into situations where I'm negotiating now when I say mister somebody wants they turn
around had said to me of it have you ever seen Elmas end games I said now haven't they said what's that film and the film was all about they they got these children playing video games
and it was like it was a mock exercises excuse me and they have they've got them in into this control room and they have them playing these video games but they deceived them they
actually literally destroyed in the film misses an entire civilization on another planet and it wasn't until the children were all jumping up and down and screaming and cheering that the
solemn looks on the faces of the adults that had been manipulated and minted this told the children that this wasn't the games real now this is a quandary with me you know if I
experienced so much of this over the years situations I'm put in and it all goes off in my head and I'm told it's cybernetic warfare and I am really a soldier that's the very first one of
the very first things I was told when they spoke to me in my head the first time that there were things about my life that I wasn't aware of yet yeah yeah I've lost time yeah and even
before when I was oblivious to this that's something I talked about that I couldn't think of certain things you know that are we've all had times where we've gone out and the night
seems to go into flash but I've literally on I won't say many but I'll say at least several occasions been saying to people and there's something very straight when I've seen them in the
morning you know something very strange about tonight I mean in my younger years this was I said because you know literally I feel like I've been here about 15 minutes and I'm
looking at my watch and I've been here eight and a half hours oh it's a strange but I used to save these things Joe Vuli sometimes and a bit confused but as I'm now grown up to learn
that this is very very much a part of the program The Manchurian Candidate aspect of things which I truly hope isn't the case isn't true but I do believe the earth is very extremely
possible yeah so with this strange experience well it's enhanced that aspect of my belief systems as we were talking before privately well as a younger man I was just like as I said I
was black and white with regards to the situation I wasn't religious I wasn't spiritual you know were biological beings were matter having said that though I always did maintain
a direct relationship with God I used to pray a lot and that was again to take you back there though that was what they used to convince me that this wasn't I wasn't going mad they
quoted me from a child they said do you remember when you were a little boy and you pray to God I won't elaborate on the story about something I went yes I do remember that and
vividly and I'm not thought about it since I must have been seven years old and then they gave me some information there and we just brought it home and I'm like whoa this didn't
come from with inside me this came from an external source this just extraneous is the word so all right I'm all ears tell me more and that's where they went on to explain
you're a soldier but you're not aware of it yet and so on and so on and so on so a lot of people when they experience VT okay and I've had it detrimental E and negatively where it's
done to disturb lis voice to school yeah detrimental E to disturb me to make my life difficult to try and contain it but overall predominantly for me it's been extremely beneficial in fact
I spent over a number of weeks many weeks many many hours with psychologists and psychiatrists a couple of years ago and I met with about eight seven or eight they even brought
doctors in from outside to meet up with me all of them accepted my evidence and my testimony my circumstances but we're at a complete loss as to as to how to help me now I've just
lost myself a little bit with ragazze to the point I was going to make there could you repeat the question again no why did I get on - oh no the Vita came now I've moved on to that yeah
no just let me make that point because I what this doctor said to me was that we've only got one question left for you we're not are they told me they weren't allowed to discuss
the technology with me they accepted it and that question is how on earth as a human being can you deal with this because insofar as we're concerned you should need our help you
don't appear that you do so I said right now we've reached this point in Proceedings they'll tell you but I wasn't going to tell you initially because insofar as your textbooks are
concerned if I explain this to you I would just become immediately diagnosed with some sort of schizoid disorder but I said I get counseling and this counseling is genius and it's
from people that know my life inside-out every aspect of my persona and they can talk me round and and out of just about anything she's my stomach rumbling Napoleon for a
couple you know and they keep me intact and they've explained this is an intrinsic part of who and what you are a soldier a psychological warfare operative in other words you've
been in a system of abuse or your life but you've been able to deal with that abuse because it's one of the reasons you are who you are you're a durable person and you're also they
I could go into more depth have the programming this way they've explained it to me you're not someone who's prone to responding with violence even to violence you're tolerant
and you're durable and you find other ways around but we've created largely the person you are in in some ways the person that you are you know to emphasize that they've said
to me do you remember as a young man again you used to have repetitive dreams about getting into fights and you couldn't move your arms you liked it I said I do and I said what
people get those sort of things and they said no we gave those to you for psychological reasons to develop the attributes that you had to create this person and your role is to
oppose this so I explained to these psychologists and the psychiatrist's that that's what makes me different that's how I can endure such extreme levels of trauma and persecution
and abuse and come through there's much more I can say along such lines there but I need to go back and answer the question you actually ask you yeah spirituality is something
yes which is developed within me as I've as I've grown I don't think this there's any way that this is all there is to life no way there's much more to it now I'm a mind control target and
this has all happened later in life for me not when I was young but I've had past life experiences but I also have to accept that this can be induced or given to me by the technology
so I have to kinda still like I I can't accept things most things fully categorically because of what I'm dealing with it's like virtual reality you know III deal with two worlds there here and
now you know the reality would we can touch them taste and then this virtual reality which really is very little to do with me and here its technological in origins however just last
week I was talking to the people that are putting this documentary together and I said like sometimes I'll read articles from physicists where they're talking they're discussing theories
where things aren't proven yet now it's not that I take on board and accept these theories are not the same because of what I've experienced but it is enough really to emphasize
the fact that these scientists and these sorts of people are interested in these fields so therefore they're going to experiment to try to find out if it's true so I could be used as some
sort of vessel I'm actually referring to now an article I read a couple of weeks ago in which they're claiming there are certain entities which we can't we can't see we can't touch
they're not physical we can only communicate with our brains now this mirrors some of the experiences I've had but I have to be very very careful as to what I regurgitate because
I could also be used as a disinfo agent as in I'm given certain experiences and if I accept them as true as category can start espousing them saying them to other people a percentage
of people would take those on board and it could kick stop certain belief systems so I have to be very reserved well I am very reserved purposefully because of that I mean so far as
spirituality is concerned I've always been a person that wants proof that wants evidence faith has never been something which I thought I could rely on because somebody else
could have written the Bible I do believe it's been [Music] changed and altered over the years by certain scholars and certain people but I don't believe it's nonsense in fact a lot of
my targeting and my experiences have been religious based but particularly bastes I even question I mean this is full-on full-blown come to way conversations and when things have
been really really extreme for me torture wise when I'm literally being tortured and I it's not the Stockholm Syndrome yeah I actually turned to them for the help and then I'm
asking questions and I'm saying look what earth is going on here and one of the answers I got in the early days when this was going on the sticks in my mind he said what you're
involved in it's whether or not we're going to wind up standing on another planet in the future looking up to the sky pointing at this one and asking each other what on earth
happened there because this has happened before on other planets now what I want to emphasize here is that as I said as a younger man I wasn't a fantastical thinker at all you
know you know I just simplistic you know life was about having fun you know if you're gifted with life we should enjoy it that's what it was all about I'm pursue you know achieving
things in life and giving back if anybody asked me what I believe in politically its individual freedom yet collective responsibility I know I questioned things from a very very young
age particularly the way were governed because I thought it was rubbish I thought we could do so so much better and with a lot less money so you know I've questioned things from
the off really the practical things but it is the spiritual at the spiritual side which is not me back really as do I've gone through almost a metamorphosis with regards to that are
changing my personality and I don't think I don't think I was a disbeliever totally when I was young I think it was a reaction to how I was treated like it can't be true otherwise all
this couldn't happen to me and all this wouldn't be happening in the world things I can remember watching a documentary about an atheist a famous atheist made this documentary
actually and he was he was pointing out that how can we have a benign God when let's take let's look into the animal kingdom or the insect world and in this in this instance he said
we've got a parasitic wasp here which injects its it's offspring these fetuses or whatever into this a bug and those infants eat their way out of the bug so they use it it's like an incubator
now this is atrocious if we have a benign god how can this sort of thing be going off in nature but something you know when I've asked questions along these lines you know I'll get
explanations this is when it gets a bit grey because I have thought along these lines myself and sometimes are I've mentioned earlier belief systems and that's what this this stuff it is
a weapon system it's artificial intelligence which is educating itself in order to be able to control the globe's population hence they're using people from all over the world from all
sorts of cultural backgrounds from all sorts of belief systems the spirituality plays a big part of it because well I believe it's the one-world government the new world all of this behind
this and they wants a one-world religion because that's an easy way to control people spirituality to me and I've been exposed to a lot of people who are very educated max being one
of them as well historically is about freedom not not control religion to me is about control not freedom and I just I suppose it depends how its packaged really and what people expect
from you you know what you've got to adhere to I'm by nature some something of a loner not because I'm sociopathic because I like my own company I'm never going to be a follower
but yet in the eyes of the way things are at the moment if you go against the grain or you're not one of the flock then there's something wrong but I don't think there's anything wrong
with me because of their or other people you know so in other words it's I've got too many questions with regards to the way things are you know but if it was conducive and it was
positive and there was reason to believe in it yeah I'll accept it full-stop of course but I want answers I'm not willing to accept other people's word for things anymore because so much
of what I've learned in life has turned out to be fallacy rubbish again be an interview with for this documentary of you know I've talked in length along these lines and they said to me can
you sum up what it means to you to be in the to grow up to find out you're in the position you're in and I said yes straightaway and immediately an absolute betrayal of everything I was
brought up to trust and believe it and that's why I've got an issue with governmental organizations with religious organizations with civil rights groups because this is known and it's
happening and not one of them is doing anything about it now that is pure evil but I do believe I made somebody said to me like I've talked about that I believe Satanists are behind
this and somebody said to me what Kieran Satan isn't real I said whether he is or whether the reason they believe he is and they're using such doctrines to perpetrate the crimes that
they're perpetrating so therefore I will oppose them you know and stand against it and if I was evil I think I'll be all right to be honest with you because that's the system because
they're the ones that seem to be doing well now I'm a believer in them if you have a society a community or our collective the good should be prevailing over evil that way things
can be controlled if it's the reverse then everybody's in peril from the top to the bottom of that structure including the children which is the scenario we have so unless we've
got people governing our lives who can be trusted they can't be allowed to to use these kinds of technologies they're using on this in their in the way that they they're using them
unopposed we have to oppose them it's dangerous to speak like this and I've tried every which way I can to find another way to communicate this and bring about some sort of change
but I've got to the point now where and I've said this again openly where I will start to advocate revolution because they are implanting people's children at birth and I know people
very very involved in this system say they've got evidence that this has been going off in places like Sweden for a long time so an entire generation is gonna grow up [ __ ] so therefore any one of them doesn't toe the party line man they can either mind-control them into doing so take them out even instantly as they are doing this is happening today the situation we have to me as a kin to the Nazis when they were rounding up undesirables and shipping them off to extermination camps now how do you fight define an undesirable that's belief systems again so essentially what you've got is the nasty vindictive people who've got power just picking people they're doing it to gain people do steal people's wealth their wife maybe for instance or even to get the children this is criminal activity it's known it's happening and it's just being completely overlooked and the most dangerous aspect of it is is that the populace the apathy among the populace is rife and it's that way because they'd be conditioned that way and this is why I have a problem with the alternative media as well there's too much sensationalism we should separate things like know it's it's indelibly linked I agree but the physical from the spiritual you know to me this is matter of fact this is spiritual this is torture I'm being killed but it is about the psyche and the psyche is the spirit the soul and again project soul catcher this is what this technology everything I've learned is all about and I've experienced we're in a cycle we don't live were reborn these are physical vessels and it's apparently from what I've learned to our knowledge is the only way that we can experience a physical life and I like to think that there is there is truth and basis in religion in that if you're gifted life and you abuse that gift do you abuse your own physical person or somebody else's physical person then you will not come back in the same form that it is a filtering system and to take you back before where I was talking about if there is a benign God and I gave the insects analogy but again this is my own thinking when it's something I've had reinforced in that nature is detached things are created and then it's set free and it runs and takes its own calls but that's what sets us as beings above the beasts of the field is is one way I've heard it put by in a book called proofs of conspiracy by John Robinson actually that's what separates us and I do believe it's a filtering system I believe in reincarnation in truth yeah and I do believe like say you're a bad person you might come back as something horrible like the bug that gets the wasp the parasitic wasp injecting I don't know but those are those are lines in which I think karma lives you know what goes around comes around so I like to think that yes you know all the people of the nice people are messing my life that of goodly people that have been philanthropic and caring and dutiful towards others will be rewarded but that's not what I see happening in life I see the opposite I see the scurrilous RCZ they evil the wicked being rewarded theme ma I've just have a bit of a contradiction in terms I'm saying being rewarded but I was thinking along the lines of financial reward or materialistic reward I'm not so sure that's the benefit to be honest ultimately because there aren't many of us when we get to some like 5560 say for instance if we had five million pounds or mansions that we wouldn't trade those in for another 20 years so time is what's of most most most value to me but peace of mind is something ever since I was young that's what I used to say to friends and stuff I ain't getting involved in this they say why I said because I want to preserve my peace of mind I want to be able to live with myself and we learn from our lessons and I don't like feeling uncomfortable with myself so therefore I'm gonna practice the sorts of things spiritual people practice but naturally out of choice but again this is what's brought led me down that path because I once actually literally stood up in a church and gave a speech I I I asked the vicar if I could and I was actually being harassed all over the place been following around and targeted and it was full of children and they brought them in from a school and I stood up and I said to the children I said look I'm giving a little bit I'm getting older now and at the time I said a lot I don't know if any of you know who I am and not because I'm living in some sort of void what I'm experiencing a great deal of evil so whilst I was just set here you know taking some sanctuary and actually and this happens to be going on I'm I just like to say something to the children if I could and I said something I said just listen to me I said because I I just let me go get the words right here at sea so remember it Rock cuz I've fallen on my face with this before when I try and quote it as a younger man I um I believe that God and Jesus turn their backs on me so I walked away and I got on with my life and I've grown older now and I've got to a point where I now realize that they never turn their back for me I turned my back on them because they're still there and then I gave a moral lesson to it and every child in that church stood up started waving its arms around and that's one of my proudest moments at one of the most intense moments of my life as well because I was literally the shoe though it was like a pack of wolves that were just trying to destroy me and I was doing everything I could to resist it and deal with it but I didn't know about the technology of that so I'm either now I'm going to detail about triggering but you don't know you be intrigued and most of the time at the time I mean it comes out later now I met this lady three times and the second time I met her it wasn't totally random as well I live in London I mean - three times no no accident the second time a mess sir as I was leaving him walking away this was she followed me so I called her over and I said look can you keep a secret and she said yes I said the first time I met you I felt completely head over heels in love with you but my life at the moment is just ridiculous I just can't entertain involving over myself with anybody and she just said she answered me at the time she said I promise I won't tell anybody but I go to another party and she turns up again now she started to trigger me and again I'm just at the time looking at a mannerisms and stuff and thinking bit unusual but how did you know this about me because straightaway I'm like but anyway she ended up stormy off that night and I didn't follow her and I got a phone call in my office and I knew it was her she's very posh hello wanker she said and I'm not you know I want you to apologize and I said just before I could say anything more she said I will talk to you later and put the phone down I'll are ah got me off the hook there then because I didn't really know how to explain myself later that night I'm set at my desk on my computer and I remember the exact line I was read I was writing I had a female voice commented on it and giggled in my head and she just said now we're getting somewhere and I'm of course I'm out of my chair where's the microphone where did that come from because it was a voice in and I've got calm down calm down there are things about your life you don't know yet I told you I'd talk to you later I love like hang on a minute this is she went yes there are things about your life firstly you're a soldier and you don't know it and secondly I'm your wife and you don't remember that either that's why we had such an affinity now as this could be being an experienced target now this could possibly be true be a reality and there's definitely she's definitely in on it because of the triggering because if she knew me that was a fact but it also it could be a setup to do this to me there's a movie called source code and I often use it as an example of what my life's light because it's actually a guy a soldier who got blown up on the battlefield and he doesn't know it but he's in the laboratory with no arms and no legs and his mind's wired up to technology and he's got a female soldier that talks to him and counsels him and talk to him through but they don't tell him the truth because this technology allows him to go back eight minutes and time and complete missions so literally as assault that they're using him as he's dying in this program and that's what my life sigh I've got the female that communicates with me she's motherly she's loving she's wife Felicia calls it wife craft and she is there purely for my psychological report support just like the guy in this film and this has gone on for years well the thing is I've got control of it now if I don't want talking to I don't get talked to every now and then somebody might chip in just for some support or she might but it's kind of like I'm interfaced you know with a computer or seemingly with her or other people now a hive mind I went to my doctor after I'd seen all these psychologists and psychologists it's a nice blend in it's been to him that I'd explained to them how I was able to deal with all this and I explained a hive mind to him at the time I said look this is what they tell me in my head doctor now we've got to this point where I can talk over me I talked to they tell me they're a team of people and they wear helmets to communicate with me and that I represent their entire professional lives and that this is real I really am a soldier but not of the traditional kind now I explained this to my doctor without anything to back it up whatsoever but the book I profiled out there a project soul catch yet not only describes this this is a diagram clearly showing it the one person a firewall so that one person can not see into the other people's minds the technology but they can influence that other person so I'm not an individual and this is true really me I've been experimenting on so year after year after year now and it's not insanity it's so rational it is protracted conversations and they tell me things that I don't know myself even a crazy person cannot do that you know you cannot yeah I used to say when I was working because I used to coach a lot of university leaders on life and the business world and jobs and stuff and I used to say them look people are just like computers in that they cannot possibly give out the correct answers unless they've had the information fed in to enable them to do so and that's a fact you know and I couldn't have I couldn't have I couldn't have worked out or figured out or even made up some of the things that I've been told in my head and that's one of them the hive mind thing before I'd read anything about it heard anything about it they explained it in my head and that's impossible to do otherwise I've got no scientific background you know to me this was my my exact words of the doctor that told me what was wrong with me no not words word was bollocks and the words that followed there actually were why do doctors keep trying to mess with my head I want my wisdom teeth out that's what the problem is come on it's not he said your teeth for growing normally and then he persisted then he's showing me x-rays I love a hawk on real x-rays these weren't MRIs at the time x-rays are a lot more complicated and it because there's all sorts in the way but yeah he goes on and on and on and now I don't doubt it in any way whatsoever but also given my experiences of mind control as I've just to alluded to there with this this lady excuse me could have been used good the situation could have be set up to manipulate me I really truly hope it's true because I've had the most I didn't elaborate with this advice when they asked me about this you know how I felt about they told me what I really wanted from life I said was to find the wall my true love but the thing is because this is my belief system they know how to play on me as well you see you got a look it's not smoke and mirrors you're gonna look at it both ways however what I didn't tell them at that time she said you know because you must feel cheated and stuff and what have you the absolute truth is I've had the most incredible relationship imaginable with this woman even if it's virtual reality and it's been fate you can't ignore it and she's been nothing but absolutely good for me and it's really brought home Howard vintages having the right part I think life could and should be when I've literally had partners who were planted on me to destroy me I'm alive and that's a fact you know I've got a daughter and I will say this on camera because I said it before a daughter I know her mother was paid to have a charm body to manipulate my life thereafter and they have done which isn't easy for my dog my daughter doesn't know this yet but she's gonna have to learn it but everything I've been doing since I was a young man it has been largely but to protect my daughter but I had no idea that I was gonna go up level by level by level to find myself in my current situation I thought it was pretty straightforward and just normal problems in life you know from the off but there was something very wrong and I knew it and I wanted to know like any I'll say anymore our first instinct is to protect our offspring we're no different from other animals one of the things I didn't mention in my speech today is that we are mammalian and they are trying to change us into something we are not I think I used the words Shakespeare you know that's the question with this technology to be or not to be me that is this is the question but we're not even being able to we're not even able to debate it you know because they're not admitting it to it they're just doing it to us and that's as criminal as things get that is a wall on the population so as far as I'm concerned now if nothing changes pretty soon that's what I'm going to be preaching to the population and let's do war on them back in any way we can and I don't mean necessarily violence because we haven't got a chance we wouldn't have otherwise I'd advocate it but we can't change things we can't bring them down we live in a democracy we can take back control of our institutions which supposedly particularly in a society like ours are supposed to be a birthright excuse me there were earned and created by our forefathers and our ancestors for us so life would improve for society for people for the children that are coming through but it hasn't is got worse and they're just keeping us happy with trinkets and technology which is literally conditioning everybody to accept this crap they want us all ships unable to hook up to Google directly with the minds we don't need it and believe me you won't want it once you've got it as fantastical as it sounds we've got pcs use pcs do not have this stuff put into your mind because you are lost and let's make the point as well because it's from the off I've been told that these chips are marked with 666 that they are they are working to see that Bible prophecy happens comes true and this is the mark of the beast they're talking about and they're putting it into the entire population and these people believe that their Lord and Master is going to come and take over the planet and evil will prevail you think you think well I stick to that you know I mean I've admitted before you know in my writings and stuff that they've had me talking to aliens and stuff but I mean I don't necessarily have to take it seriously and the times when this veto Kay's been negative I mean I'm in the middle I mean no man's land and sometimes the the good v2k is you to help me deal with the negative visa okay and even to dismiss it sometimes but I can't write it off at least now I'm not given what I've been exposed to via the likes of fear and basses and and other environments and the research I've done off the back of that it is very very convincing and somebody that I do respect and listen to is John Owen John's get on now is 78 years old I John it's not just absolutely convinced he's just it just tells you who's behind this or what's behind this nepheline you know and I've had such experiences as well dealing with demonic entities and stuff but I emphasize again that this stuff can be faked which is why I don't talk about it that much I don't mind there's a set device in context talking about these things but to my mind as soon as I mentioned aliens or any other being I'm doing every other ti-ti out there a disservice because we're not we don't care what we're dealing with human issues here human rights we are human beings and therefore as the Constitution while I was doesn't stay cause it isn't written but there any unwritten Constitution states we've got a right to certain things in life and they're taking the removing absolutely every single one of them as soon as that chip is put into your child or you you're lost if they sub choose it can be activated at any time and you are lost you are no longer an individual free human being you are a mind control slave you are a biological unit not a human being and this is what we need to stop
Cyborg Kieron lee Perrin Lecture at the Bases Conference 2014
Marie Kayali has them, and so does Kieron lee Perrin, cranial implants and MRI scans to prove it. He is currently suffering severe pain and being put through incredible disability
and suffering, with details too horrible to mention. THIS ISSUE EFFECTS US ALL, WE WILL BE CYBORG WITHIN 50 YEARS. Described as Britain's first "Cyborg", Kieron who suffers
severely from these things when they get nasty, gives his very first public lecture on his story at the prestigious Marlborough College for the Bases Project,and shows his MRI scans
of the items placed involuntarily in his brain. Targeted Individuals, or TIs are becoming very common, here Kieron shows us what's it all about. Transhumanisation, the Cyborgization
of mankind. A personal account. After his presentation, Kieron was given a little lesson, and had the feeling that his skin was on fire for 3 weeks. Nice:- we have to stop this!
{with apologies for the sound, which was a major problem for the TV recording.}
Implantee and Targeted Individual, Kieron lee Perrin gives his first presentation at The Bases Project. Kieron shows MRI brain scans showing implanted technology in his skull.
Marie Kayali also showed implants in her Bases interviews. These are early generation Cyborganization technologies.
Kieron was later to become an enemy before the murder of Max Spiers, who was to have spoken at BASES2016, but his death in Poland that June, prevented that.
Kieron was present at the conference Max and Miles Johnston spoke at in Poland earlier in 2016. A "TI" targeted individual evening was allocated for the 2016 conference,
under for the TIs, lead by Kieron. See BASES2016.
His lecture, here, and later at the UK PROBE conference is reloaded for the benefit of the public, as all Bases interviews and lectures are.
The entire Bases project main YouTube channel was deleted by YouTube in July 2021.
From above Video I believe... #Freemasons Government.... May be a Joke for some Terrible for victims!
TI Television Meet the Targeted Individual Community - Revisited
From above image.
Thing is, and I mean this, the video above nails what is happening in the world; as in 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'. Though from the perspective of people truly in the know because their lives and minds were invaded a long time back.
Yes, minds. By the technological systems that are to be applied overall it looky rather like. I'm tellin yer.
It was posted in 2019 originally, and to add still further interest it's a response to a documentary VICE TV put out in 2017. One that's been watched by millions, but millions that are/were not aware VICE were censored in trying to put out the original piece they made. One which was to have exposed and legitimized things.
This one presents proofs and testimonies from scientist and doctors, as well as from surveillance abuse victims. Oh yeah, 'Mind Control' too, because that's what ultimately all the shenanigan's you're experiencing is about. If you survive the impending cull that is.
The original VICE piece may have changed the world if they'd got it out, this one, well, says what they were totally convinced of, in 'reality'. For real, way back when now, and it's frightening, but you're far less safe if ignorant. You won't have a chance of even coping effectively with what's going down, let alone surviving it if you have no perception of it. The initial shocks will do for you.
The reason I learnt to edit in the first place primarily, was because a collective of people who work for said company delivered me a cryptic message beyond their hands being blatantly tied suggesting I do so. For theirs and everybody's sake as I read it.
This is it folks, don't bury your heads in the sand and instead, well ..know what's what!?
"You All Will Have Implants" - Klaus Schwab and Google Co-Founder Look Ahead to Transhumanism
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) January 11, 2023
"Can you imagine that in 10 years, when we are sitting here, we have an implant in our brains, and I can immediately feel [what you are feeling] because you all will have implants."
Soon some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people.
— WOLSNED 🇬🇧 (@wolsned) January 10, 2023
We are now hackable
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