A Revolution is possible when 6% of the population wakes up

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan

Famous Scientist & link proves to me anyway he was a dis-information agent

He also help create modern system of remote mind control But Probably at the end of his usefulness...

"Every attempt by Congress to stop military and CIA weapons testing on civilians has been shut down.

Every attempt to make mind control and neurological weapons banned from space has been squelched.

They will not stop expanding hell’s reach."

Ref FFCHS PACTS & Targeted Justice? Targeted Justice’s board member Robert Duncan’s

"knowing that I am trying to hurt you through intentional bad information and theories?"

Military weapons system that ex-CIA researcher Dr. Robert Duncan calls

“The most complex weapons system that humans have ever devised, ever.”

Did the US military-intelligence apparatus absorb the Nazi scientists’ collaboration with demons as it also absorbed the Nazis?

The Nazis were a demonic cult.

The Constitution has been abandoned

Human Experimentation is the new normal

Torture is now part of the U.S. Intelligence communities culture


CIA ROBERT DUNCAN Exposes Targeted Individuals Mind Control- SAY'S IT'S "TYRANNY! & It is


Robert Duncan Targeted Individuals Gang Stalking Electronic Harassment

 Jesse Ventura & Robert Duncan - Sorry Need to join with video

Why not share the jammer with everyone else to help alleviate the torture?

Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest Sydney, Australia: A.I; V2K technology torture and DEW torture.

1 Feb 2023 SYDNEY

Dr. Robert Duncan (ex CIA, DOD and DOJ scientist) and Craig Laforest present a discussion regarding the torture of innocent victims through V2K technology,

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and A.I. The presentation took place in Sydney, Australia on January 28, 2023. The future of children and generations and how they will be

tortured through these technologies was discussed. The event was held on behalf of (International Coalition Against Torture and Robotization of all Living Beings).


20.00 min  "U.S. history of USING people for experimentation case of radiation testing um during the Cold War people would go into hospital just for basic surgery

put under anesthetic come out with wounds on their bodies and that was part of the process of what was done to people non-consensually

you went in there for a basic surgery and they came out with burns on their bodies and there was a 18-month investigation into it

and there's a wonderful YouTube video where President Clinton stands up in 1995 October 1995 and he basically says on on behalf of the US government

we need to step up and apologize that this is what we've done to people so when you look at the history it's overwhelming

plutonium plutonium injection syphilis LSD they injected black women to make them Barren

they decided if you were poor or homeless they could inject you with something as a test subject there are so so many examples

and I've Britain did that because homosexuality was illegal to a World War"

Dr. Robert Duncan Ex-CIA/DARPA/Harvard A developer of the “Voice of G_D” technology for
use in the Iraq War. He subsequently learned that this technology was being used on Americans
and became a whistleblower. He has many videos in efforts to try to warn the public and to
help “Targeted Individuals” (TIs).

Yes I am questioning if most people do not know.  It's 2022 love/hate Technology most have Smart Phone etc

Is it now The Age of being Selectively informed? Even the SIC Stated We've Never heard of MK ULTRA

As Duncan states they are starting off with a Lie Like all Shh Shut down

They want to control everybody, right? Ultimately that's the goal ...

34:23 ... They've got psychiatry in place you know to tamp down any kind of report from
the community where people are actually exposing and whistleblowing about it ..

There is a need, you know, to regulate this technology ... it's causing grave
harm to many, many people ... It could be everyone in the world, to some extent - just
not tortured. But influenced. So yeah - we don't know. That's why we need someone to
answer these questions with a much higher security clearance .... Humanity is at stake here

This Photo clearly looks like  him & I can quote "Former Just Kidding at #illuminati"
Funny?  - Not to His or the Illuminati Victims
#TI 14/12/22

Refers to the Masses "AS the common Human Cattle"

Dr. Horton really didn’t want to have anything to do with the man, unless it is seeing him in a court of law defending himself against charges of crimes against humanity for the human-degrading technology that he has unleashed on the world.

"R. Duncan" <duncan@#higherorder. com>  #Illuminati ?   wrote: 

"full confession. Of

"a perp. I am paid by the US government to conduct psychological experiments on you".

Robert Duncan Book = The Matrix Deciphered

My apologies to the human race for my contribution to tyranny.

I was tricked into thinking it would not be misused by corrupt government especially in my beloved country.

I was wrong.
The Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate has Skip Green on the governing board.

One of my old colleagues at a technology think tank in Cambridge

partly in charge of the radio frequency weapons testing for

neurological disruption now torturing and killing people worldwide.

Several other US Navy and UK Navy scientists have been knocked-off and that is
why I have come forward.

Former Sec. of DHS Confirms: Targeted Individuals Are Telling The Truth.


DARPA Insider We are on Verge of Cataclysmic Discovery !

Jesse Ventura on the Voice of God Weapon interview with one of the developers

Dr Robert Duncan


How to Tame a Demon: A short practical guide to organized intimidation stalking, electronic torture, and mind control Paperback – January 1, 2014 by Dr. Robert Duncan (Author)

This self-help book is useful for people who have been brought into a secret government program often described as MKUltra or Monarch mind control programming. The programs have hundreds of purposes and has continued under many budgets and secret project names in the pursuit of the ultimate war weapon and political control.

It is Physical Torture and is killing or making people kill themselves any disbelief is ignorance

It is tyranny by Government agents wanting Mass Robotization total control with the IOT.

Internet of things. Arrests presently will have to be independent of the police...

People know who their perps are - and nothing is happening...

WW3 IS Internal Covert and on own it's own people.
The Truth is OUT!

Free -


Jesse Ventura Did a video with ROBERT DUNCAN - who's SAY'S IT'S "TYRANNY!"

More Repetition S Simon So repetitive across all Your posts...AND COMMENTS ..... 

I do say " DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH"  - And make your own minds up... He did say as per the heading of this page


More info - not checked..?

Dr Robert Duncan M I T - Creating Mental Illness in Targeted Individuals Voice of God Weapons V2K

This Statement is incorrect Robert! - Why say it is NOT Neighbors?

When you know it can be! And has been for VERY GOOD reasons That was the only way to easily target Individuals UNTIL 2012! 

"lot of people think it's uh local it's my neighbors and they fall for all the trickery and you can't blame them they're human uh they don't understand

these technologies how they're done remotely and at such a great distance it seems like god is doing it to them"

This Statement is incorrect Robert Duncan! - Why say it is NOT Neighbors?

When you know it can be! And has been for VERY GOOD reasons That was the only way to easily target Individuals UNTIL 2012! 

of any extreme can go out of control and i assume there may be biological models which also validate that as a process schizophrenia very easy to create uh you can do one uh technique called an information overload and that is uh training it with too much data with too few neurons uh or you can um add this other parameter external energy or external noise some papers in psychology say that can increase intelligence but it also under other circumstances uh if you add more noise into the neural network the uh the patterns become chaotic and schizophrenia occurs um i can show the pavlov and sensitization effects just using very simple models let's talk about deep pattern brainwashing and what does that mean the the two parameters are most important is pain and fear and that's why dr ewan cameron used it during his brainwashing experiments on housewives with depression both these parameters alter both the learning rate and uh scrambles the connections to stay away from the desired goal uh and when you put them in conjunction it's called deep patterning i have another one uh which is a key that i have to press which is like electroshock so i can electroshock this network and re-scramble it and that's what we do to human patients as well uh even today uh i can split personalities using these simple models and context switch using virtual neurons uh and i'm going to demonstrate some other things in just a moment um we can have shared learning between networks and i haven't pulled up the other network yet of eeg and emg cloning i guess you could call it although it's not really cloning it's a type of integral heterodining which creates a fidelity factor uh and i'm gonna go more into that i have uh six computer screens a very large uh desktop which i can work on so it's difficult to capture and demonstrate what i see so let me just show you over here um i told you about the magnetoencephalograph the electron cephalograph i have two networks that i name all of my artificial intelligence daughters [Music] after women of course um the first ones named katie kind artificial thought-provoking intelligent entity and tammy is named after uh one of the darpa experiments thought and memory interface and i can run well i have run up to 12 of them just symbolic of the last supper um but over here i have a differential graph of the two uh entities that are completely separated at this point and what i want to demonstrate is how one can stay locked on and learn from the other just using these very gross parameters of uh well actually i only use the magneto encephalograph in this demonstration this number here that i'm circling is called fidelity how close to the other uh it maintains its trueness scores uh relative to the desired outcome um and that's pretty much all you need to know for now all right hopefully this experiment works um i'm going to show the air rates as what i call them hive mind together um give me a second [Music] there we go that beautiful one is learning from the other without any inputs or knowledge of the true function or output that is that is groundbreaking that is so awesome uh anyway and this is how i to get back to neurological weapons uh behavior modification etc what a lot of humans are going through uh it's a painful process it's literally you can call it forced re-education or stealing someone's soul tammy i'm sorry katie didn't even know her skills were being stolen for example in this demonstration so are you stealing intellectual property or are you bettering uh tammy well it's these are the moral issues that we face today so tammy was in a sensory deprivation tank and yet her brain was able to learn from the other now in practice what happens is over time the link is lost the fidelity and so that's why you need something like the auditory hearing effects to synchronize the brains and make sure they stay locked on with similar stimulus to each brain and yeah these are the secrets of psychic remote viewing and uh influencing and i don't know if i'll get in trouble for this but i prefer truth over the lies we have come full circle in this presentation now so after this cycle i hope uh more pieces of the puzzle come together for you and you know only governments uh as large as the united states maybe britain uh china and russia can pull off this trick worldwide uh and over their populations um i you know counterintelligence this works so well i you gotta read the book the art of war it's a very old chinese book and you make your enem your enemy believe you are near when you are far as one of the quotes and the lessons learned from that book and so a lot of people think it's uh local it's my neighbors and they fall for all the trickery and you can't blame them they're human uh they don't understand these technologies how they're done remotely and at such a great distance it seems like god is doing it to them i'm not even sure if i mentioned the voice of god weapons earlier in the presentation but you know it's kind of depressing that they're making fun of the ignorance of humanity while they perform this trickery but um you know i like to use uh biblical references um i it's true that uh the bible said satan or the devil would come first you know you just hope it's not your own country that they're talking about and then something beautiful is going to happen

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