TIM RIFAT Microwave MASS Mind Control UK USA
YES HOW IRONIC - TAVISTOCK ! - Then call victims insane.
Tim Rifat: Deadly Microwave Weapons Being Used Covertly as Dissident/Mass Behavior Control Weapons in UK and US
by Tim Rifat BSc BEd.
from an article in The Truth Campaign Magazine Winter 98
UK Frequency Allocation Table (UKFAT)
Last updated: 3rd August 2022
This online version of the UK Frequency Allocation Table (UKFAT) is an easy way to browse and search how spectrum bands are allocated in the United Kingdom.
ELF signal could cause cancer at the flick of a switch.
It did this by modifying the function of RNA transference's so that amino acid sequences are scrambled and produce unnatural proteins.
As further reading, I recommend "Mind Control World Control! By Jim Keith. It is sold by Nexus
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