Tavistock MADE HITLER KISSINGER PRESIDENT CIA MJ12! Multi controlled institutions.

WAS Hitler under mind control?

Hitler spent February to November 1912 being brainwashed and trained at the British Military Psych-Ops

War School at Tavistock Of Course Home Origin OF #CIA Mind Control. #TI

Mocking the Victim has Gone to far. Hit@ler was a British Agent - True Crime Book! But all Bizarre! "Illusion Buster" Love that. He was a Jew! NZ PM! SHH UK PM Tony Blair Permission Tavistock Deaths #TI QE2 "Bloody ...Shit De we OWN the Press? What do we do now? Ignore it &

Illusion Buster Fake Deaths Double Agents!

What happens now, happens because of 1945.


Trained "Mind Controlled" + President(s PM) Kissinger #Tavistock Institute

NZ Helen Clark Tony Blair Pedo ring? QE2


covers the masterful deceptions of war, the creation of war,

the training of top level double agents, the repeated faking of their deaths and their escapes, making this book something of an illusion-buster

with applications to the analysis of war now and formulas for the time in between wars. The book explains how the 'real' history applies to the 'real' present.

Tavistock MADE HITLER KISSINGER PRESIDENT CIA Multi controlled institutions.
Worked with Skull & Bones Secret Societies  Jesuits
Freemasons MI5 MI6 & Christine Churches... #TI
Electronic Harassment #Gangstalking

#KissingerWarCriminal !

Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973

Presidential Medal of Freedom

America’s highest civilian award in 1977.

decades that followed, he continued to counsel U.S. presidents, most recently Donald Trump!


Wow! The War that never was!!

Kissinger NIXON Cambodia & K was a British Agent!


State Department conference on U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia

from 1946 through the close of the Vietnam War

“There are only two men responsible for the tragedy in Cambodia,” he said in the 1970s.

“Mr. Nixon and Dr. Kissinger.”

Kissinger "has the blood of at least 3 million people on his hands" #KissingerWarCriminal ! Yet Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973

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